2007年12月30日00時20分掲載  無料記事


【38】「りんごとりんごの比較」 購買力平価か為替レートか

 中国経済は40%も過大評価されていた。世界銀行が最新の購買力平価(Purchasing Power Parity、PPP)を使って2005年の各国の国内総生産(GDP)を見直した結果である。これはどういう意味を持つのか。ニューヨーク・タイムズ記者のハワード・フレンチは“fuzzy logic of quantum physics”(量子物理学のファジー理論)に似ているという。(鳥居英晴) 
 The size of China's economy is overestimated by some 40 percent, but it remains the world's second largest using a ranking based on purchasing power, the World Bank said Monday. 
 In a report ranking the world's economies for 2005, the World Bank said its updated survey using "purchasing power parity" (PPP) shows a much smaller value for China than earlier estimates which the Bank called "less reliable." 
 The study carried out by the World Bank and other partners was "the most extensive and thorough effort" to measure the relative size of 146 economies using the PPP method which strips out the effect of exchange rates, a Bank statement said. 
 Using market methods, Japan would be the second largest economy and China would rank behind Germany, roughly equivalent to the economies of Britain. 
 PPPは一国の通貨と他国の通貨との換算比率の一種で、それぞれの通貨の購買力(買える財やサービスの量)が等しくなるように計算して求められる。生活実感に近い各国経済を比較することができるとされる。世銀はPPP換算で1日当たり生活費1ドルを貧困線(poverty line)とし、それ未満で生活している人を絶対貧困層(absolute poverty)としている。 
 この調査は国連が各国通貨のPPPを算定して、各国のGDPの実質比較を行うことを目的として進めている国際比較プログラム(International Comparison Program、ICP)の一環。日本の総務省は次のように説明をしている。 
 「国際比較の方法としては、為替レートによる通貨の換算が一般的ですが、為替レートは、1」貿易の対象にはならない国内の物価(例えば、教育、医療、建設、 政府サービス等)は反映されない、2」投機や国家間の資本移動の影響を受けやすい、という問題があります。そこで、国際比較に当たっては、国内の広い範囲 の商品・サービスの価格を反映し、かつ、資本移動の影響を受けにくく安定性のある購買力平価によって通貨を換算することが適切であり、これに対応して開始 されたのがICP事業です」 
 各国の経済の大きさを計る公式推計として世銀はPPPとは別に、Atlas methodという手法を採用している。世銀の説明によれば、The Atlas method smoothes exchange rate fluctuations by using a three year moving average, price-adjusted conversion factor.(アトラス方式は換算の調整のために、為替レートの3年間の平均を用いて変動幅を調整している)。 
 世銀はPPPについて、PPPs should not be used as indicators of the under- or overvaluation of currencies. They do not tell us what exchange rates “should be.”(通貨が過大評価されているか、過少評価されているかの指標に使われるべきではない。それは為替レートが「どうあるべきか」を示していない)と念を押している。 
 PPP is designed to provide an apples-to-apples comparison for the buying power of countries around the world, and also gives insight into the cost of living, consumer spending and investment from country to country. One of the best-known examples is the "Big Mac Index," which compares the cost of the same McDonald's sandwich in different countries. 
 “apples-to-apples”は「同じように並べた」「同一条件での」という意味。異なる条件での比較は”apples-to-oranges comparison”という。ビッグマック指数は英経済誌エコノミストが1986年から毎年発表しているもので、同じようなものに、スターバックス指数(Starbucks Tall-Latte Index)などがある。 
 As the "International Comparison Program" report explained, if a Big Mac costs $4 in the U.S. and EUR4.80 in France, then the conversion rate is EUR1.20 per U.S. dollar -- regardless of official exchange rates. In other words, for every euro that the French spend on Big Macs in Paris, Americans would spend 83 cents for the same amount of Big Macs. 
 AFP電はThe PPP method is still somewhat controversial among economists compared with the traditional market exchange rate methods.(PPP方式はエコノミストの間で、従来の市場為替レート方式と比べるとまだ多少、異論がある)と記しているが、PPPにはしばしば”controversial”(異論のある)という形容詞がつく。 
 Wikipediaによれば、The PPP exchange-rate calculation is controversial because of the difficulties of finding comparable baskets of goods to compare purchasing power across countries.(PPP換算レートの計算には議論がある。各国の購買力比較のために比較可能な財バスケットを見出すことが困難なためである)。 
 PPPベースの中国のGDPに関して、なぜこのように大きな誤差が生じたのか。世銀によると、以前の中国のPPPは“Estimate is based on a 1986 bilateral comparison of China and the United States (Rouen and Kai 1995) employing a different methodology than that used for other countries.”(推計は他の国で使われる方法とは違った、1986年の米中の二国間比較に依拠している)。英エコノミスト誌(12月19日)は、これまでの中国のPPPの推計は“largely guesswork”(多分に当てずっぽう)であるとしている。 
 エコノミスト誌によると、Converting a poor country's GDP into dollars at market exchange rates can understate the true size because a dollar buys much more in an emerging market such as China than it does in America. (貧しい国のGDPは市場為替レートでドルに換算すると本当の大きさより小さくなる。ドルは米国におけるより中国などの新興市場での方が購買力があるからだ)。 
 一方、エコノミスト誌によれば、China itself has always played down the PPP numbers, hoping to portray itself as a poor country so America will give it more leeway when arguing about exchange rates and trade. 
 ニューヨーク・タイムズ(12月21日)のKeith Bradsher は“ Revisionist Tale: Why a Poor China Seems Richer”(なぜ貧しい中国が豊かに見えるのか)を説明する。 
  Should China be treated differently because it may not be so rich after all? That is one of the central questions raised by new calculations from the World Bank that suggest the Chinese economy may not be as large as previously thought. 
 (中国はそれほど豊かではないかもしれないからといって、扱いを変えるべきであろうか? それは、中国経済は以前思われていたほど大きくないかもしれないことを示した世銀の新たな計算が提起した核心的な問題のひとつである) 
 To be sure, some economists question whether the new figures are more accurate than the old ones, but others argue that they paint a picture of a poorer China that warrants reconsideration of the West’s efforts to change Chinese currency policies. 
 The World Bank cautioned that it did not calculate its figures as a guide to currency values. But the new figures somewhat strengthen China’s contention that its currency, the yuan, is not seriously undervalued and does not need to be allowed to rise sharply against Western currencies. 
 英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙(12月18日)のScheherazade Daneshkhuによれば、新しい数字は中国脅威論者にとっては朗報であるとする。 
 Nevertheless, if China is less wealthy than previously thought, it could mean that those US policymakers who regard it as a political and economic threat, can relax. 
 For example, the US Government Accountability Office, using the old estimates, reported this year that China’s economy in PPP terms would be larger than the US by 2012. The recalibration of China’s economy suggests it will be many more years yet before China can rival the US in military or economic terms. 
 ハワード・フレンチはインターナショナル・ヘラルドトリビューン(12月21日)で“Revised productivity conceals some realities”(改定された生産力はいくつかの真実を隠している)とする。 
 What does it mean, though, to lose 40 percent of one's economy? 
The answer, in China's case, is somewhat reminiscent of the fuzzy logic of quantum physics. The significance depends on where one is standing and ranges all the way from it matters a great deal to it scarcely matters at all. 
 (経済の40%を失うとはどういうことなのか? 答えは中国の場合、量子物理学に少し似ている。その意味は、個人がどこに立っているかによるし、大きく関係するところからほとんど関係しないところまで幅広い) 
 The one reality these new wealth statistics help illustrate best is the harshness of life at the greasy bottom of society's totem pole. The new PPP data suggest that there are three times more poor people in China than previously thought. If the numbers are to be believed, this means 300 million poor instead of about 100 million. 
 The new statistics don't even begin to get at the reality of east central China, where huge swaths of territory are populated by people whose lives bear almost nothing in common with the new wealth of the east, the new China whose imagery we have all become familiar with. 
 None of this is meant to take anything away from the recent economic achievement of this country. Whatever the number, and hopefully better work will be done to determine exactly what it is, China has lifted more people out of poverty in the last generation than anyone anywhere else has previously achieved, or even thought possible, and this experience is of deep and untapped relevance to the rest of the world. 
 In the past, World Bank heads visited China to figure out how to lend it more money. 
 Today, the World Bank comes to China seeking to head off its own creeping irrelevance in places like Africa, where the Chinese are cutting huge deals and providing financing that completely sidesteps the old Western-devised clubs. 
 Zoellick wants China to provide more capital to his bank, and he also wants China's Export Import Bank to team up with the World Bank in financing African projects. 
 It is too early to say how this will all play out, but the minuet with the World Bank is part of a much larger dance of immense significance that neither the rich West nor China has been very good at talking candidly about. 
 Signs of it are unmistakable, and they can be seen everywhere, as in China's injection the other day of $5 billion into the Wall Street pillar Morgan Stanley after its subprime mortgage woes in exchange for roughly 10 percent of its stock. 
 This new dance is all about accommodating the rise of a major new power, a very rich power, whatever the PPP numbers say, and one whose asset portfolio - and influence - will continue to swell into the foreseeable future. 
 Yes, China's rise is for real, and the task at hand is not just making room for it, which is important, but in building strong new relationships on commonly understood rules that build trust and benefit us all 

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