2011年03月16日13時35分掲載  無料記事


「針が振り切って測定できなかった」  広河隆一さん、フランスのラジオで語る

  福島第一原発周辺で放射能の測定取材を行っているフォトジャーナリストの広河隆一さんに16日朝、フランスの FMラジオ局<ユーロップ1>がインタヴューした。その模様がパリ在住のジャーナリスト、コリン小林さんから送られてきたので紹介する。通訳はコリン小林さん。。(英文翻訳は石井 琢悟さん) 
  <政府や東電が安全だ、安全だと言うばかりで、数値を発表しない、私は40回以上,チェルノブイリを取材していて、こういう状態は、おかしいと思い、自分の 目で確かめてみたい、というのが、定取材を思い立った理由です。その時,私の機械は、10ミリレントゲンまで測れる機械で、仲間が持っていたのは 100マイクロシーベルトまで測れる測定器でしたが、針が皆振り切ってしまって、測定できない状態でした。 
  二回目は、4号機が火災を起こしたというので、放射能がいっそうましたと思 い、北側から海づたいに現地に向かいましたが、津波で道路が破壊されていて、これ以上行けないので、引き返しましたが、その辺は東京の10倍くらいでした が、道を変えて入り直して、飯館町(やはり50kmほど)というところで、食事をしたんですが、その付近で測定器にスイッチをいれたら、やはり針が振り切れそうで、車に乗って一寸移動したら、針が振り切れました。チェルノーブイリの 200mほどのところの倍くらい放射能があったわけです。> 
(電話が不通になってしまい、インタヴューは、これ以上続けられませんでし た。広河さんありがとうございました) 
East Japan Earthquake Disaster 
“The indicator of radiation detectors exceeded their maximum limits” – Interview with Ryuichi Hirokawa on French radio program 
On the morning of 16 May, French radio station EUROPE 1 interviewed Ryuichi Hirokawa, a photo journalist measuring radiation levels around Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. The following is the text of Hirokawa's talk sent by Kolin Kobayashi who lives in Paris and worked as a translator in the interview. (ATTAC-JAPAN & Nikkan Berita Ed.) 
Ryuichi Hirokawa says: 
Government and Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) was repeating only the safety of the nuclear power plant with no announcement of measured values. I have collected data in the area of Chernobyl for over 40 times. The experience let me have suspicion and drove me to directly see and know the reality. That was the motivation to begin the present stationary fieldwork. My radiation detector was the one that could measure up to 10 mR and my colleague had one that could measure up to 100 μSv. We could not find exact radiation levels because the indicator of all detectors exceeded the maximum limits in measurement. 
The second fieldwork started when we received the news telling that a fire started in the reactor building No.4. We suspected further increase of radiation level. We went in the direction to the plant from northern side along the coast but had to turn back at a point about 50 km apart from the plant because the road was destructed by tsunami. The radiation level in that area was about 10 times higher than that in Tokyo. We tried to go on a different road and had a meal in Iidate Town (also ca. 50 km from the plant). We turned on detectors, then saw the indicators pointing at around the maximum levels. As we started moving our car, the indicators swung out of the range of measurement. This meant that the radiation level was about twice of that of the area only 200 m apart from the reactor at Chernobyl. 
(At this moment, the international line was suddenly disconnected and the interview could not be continued, unfortunately. Mr. Hirokawa, thank you for your report.) 
(翻訳:石井 琢悟) 
The photos and report of the second fieldwork is uploaded on Takashi Morizumi's photo-blog: 

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