2013年02月10日15時17分掲載  無料記事


世界のベタ記事から フランスが国連平和維持軍のマリ派遣を求める

  国連高官ジェフリー・フェルトマン(Jeffrey Feltman)氏は8日、「マリに対する支援は必要だが、バランスが大切だ」として、過剰な外国軍の存在が事態を悪化させるリスクについて語っている。https://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=44104&&Cr=+mali+&&Cr1= 
  ’He speculated that some parties in Mali might lose sight of the need for internal change after the military intervention. “That’s not the case; we do need to be working on the political side,” he said. “The French intervention has accelerated developments on the security side; they need to be accelerated on the political side.” 
  For that reason, he said, there must be implementation of the Roadmap for the political transition, recently established by Mali’s parliament, requiring dialogue at all levels, between north and south, within the north and south and between civilians and the military.’ 
  ’Asked about a possible UN peacekeeping operation to take over from an African-led force already authorized by the Security Council, known as AFISMA, Mr. Feltman said that the decision was up to the Council, but had become more likely because of the swift French operation, which had dislodged Islamist militias from Timbuktu and other important northern cities. 
  “At this point the peacekeeping operation is going to come sooner rather than later,” he said, emphasizing that discussions over such an operation were focused on filling the gap between the end of the current military engagement and the point that full security could be handed over to the Malians themselves. ’ 

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