2020年09月30日05時46分掲載  無料記事


トランプはファシストか? ――ある意味では

 アメリカの大統領選が間近に迫る中、あらためて自問自答してみた。トランプ政権はファシストであり、ファシストとして扱われるべきだが、ドナルド・トランプ自身はどうか? まあ、ある意味ではそうなのだがーー。 
 民主主義国家は言語的決定要因を共有していないが、民主主義の一般的な伝統は、西洋の自由主義の文化に基づいており、選挙やその他の基準による政治的説明責任の程度で差がある。 ファシスト国家の場合、言語的決定要因は、支配階級によって発明された文化に含まれている。それは、国家内の結束、共通の敵の開発、トップダウンの国粋主義を促進するためのものだ。そのため、政治的な説明責任はほとんど必要ない。 
 では、今日のアメリカの状況は、どこに位置付けられるだろうか? トランプ氏は、一部のハイパー・リベラル(*1)がレッテルを貼るように、ファシストなのだろうか? まあ、「ある意味では」、というのが私の答えだ。トランプ政権の政策は、すでに述べた定義によれば、ファシストであるか、それに近いものになっている。それらの政策は、支配者により 腐敗した富の私物化、難民の拘留とその家族の強制的な分離、平和的な抗議活動を封じ込める準軍事的な警察の動員、愛国教育の必要性の宣言などだ。しかし、トランプ氏自身がファシストだと断定的に主張することはできない。重要な違いは、意図である。前述の政策の意図は、歴史的にはファシストや権威主義的な政権と共鳴しているため、トランプ政権についてはそう言えるだろう。一方で、トランプ氏が本当に具体的なファシストの原則や目標に基づいて行動する意図を持っているのかどうかと言われると、よく分からない。私の直感では、トランプは銀の匙をくわえて生まれてきた下劣な人種差別主義者であり、彼の人生の中でずっとそうしてきたように行動しているだけではないかと思っている。トランプ・ファースト、ということだ。 
 リベラル派の重鎮であるルース・ベイダー・ギンズバーグ連邦最高裁判事の死去と、トランプ政権による選挙権行使への妨害により、今年の選挙は、この国の歴史の中で重要な分岐点となるだろう。トランプ政権が2期目を迎えれば、より露骨な弾圧への扉が開かれることは必至である。選挙で不正があっても、国際社会はまた見て見ぬふりをするのだろうか。それとも、国際社会は一丸となって、ファシストをファシストとして扱うだろうか? 時が経てばわかることではあるが、私は悲観的である。 
○ ダグラス・ミラー(Douglas Miller) 
Trump is Fascist? Sort of. 
For the last 4 years, I have been contemplating on the nature of the Trump administration. 
For the same 4 years, I was working on my PhD dissertation, theorizing political ideologies such as democracy and fascism. Quite often, I would hear people throw around the term fascist, when characterizing policies promoted by the Trump administration each time, I shook my head, telling myself “no, those just don’t qualify under your definition of fascism.” Indeed, the term fascism and fascist have been used as a political label to put upon whoever you disagree with. As early as 1946, Orwell decried the rampant misuse of the term, noting that neither fascism nor democracy really meant anything anymore. 
One of the main goals of my doctoral journey was to show that political theories, like the words it consists of, change meaning over time. And that, using and reusing dilapidated political categories just lead to international miscommunications when attempting to conduct multilateral diplomacy. Henceforth, there is a need to review and deconstruct the categories in their most rudimentary qualities, to come up with accurate definitions that better characterize the regime-type. Through my own research and logical exercises, I was able to deconstruct democracy and fascism into the following three criteria: Linguistic Determinant, Culture, and Political Accountability. 
While democracies share no linguistic determinant, the general rubric of democracy is based on a culture of western liberalism, and have varying degrees of political accountability through elections and other means. For fascist states, the linguistic determinant is included in its culture invented by the ruling class to promote cohesion within the state, the development of a common foe, and top-down nationalism. As such, there is little to no political accountability. 
So where does this put the state of America today? Is Trump fascist, as some hyper-liberals like to label him? Well, sort of. The policies of the Trump administration, according to this definition, is fascist, or veering ever so close to it. Such policies include: corrupt personalization of wealth by the rulers, detention of asylum seekers and forced separation of families, use of paramilitary police to contain peaceful protests, the proclamation of a necessity of patriotic education, and the list goes on. However, I cannot definitively claim that Trump himself is fascist. The key distinction is intent. The intent of the above policies closely echoes historically fascist and authoritarian regimes. While that may be the case for the Trump administration, I don’t really know if Trump really is intending to act in the way he does based on specific fascist principles and goals. My hunch is that Trump is a vile racist born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and acts in the way he’s done so all his life: Trump First. 
Unfortunately, though, regardless of whether he intends to be fascist or not, his actions have direct consequences and affect how the administration rules. And the international community needs to understand the tendencies of this administration. It’s been 4 years! What we do not want, are 21st century Neville Chamberlains cozying up to the Trump family. Just as the British upper classes favored appeasement towards the Germans and Italians in the 20th century, the international ruling classes are seemingly turning a blind eye to the atrocities that are being perpetuated by the Trump administration in America today. 
With the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the Trump Administration’s campaign against electoral rights, this year’s election will be a critical juncture in the history of this nation. A second Trump term will inevitably open doors to more blatant forms of repression. Will the international community turn a blind eye again if there are any electoral shenanigans? Or will the community come together and treat a fascist like a fascist? Only time will tell, but I am not hopeful. 
Author Bio: 
Douglas Miller is a comparative political theorist, and a professional Japanese-English translator. His research interests are on the incongruence of western and Asian political theory. He holds a Bachelor’s in Political Science from Temple University, a Master’s in International Studies (Japan), and a PhD in International Studies from the University of Washington. 

Copyright (C) Berita unless otherwise noted.
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