2020年01月13日17時00分掲載  無料記事


カイロの猫たちの記録  ラムセス2世の死  Heather Hermit

  モスクワ出身で現在、エジプトのカイロで生活しているデザイナーのヘザー・ハーミット(Heather Hermit)さんは2匹の猫と暮らしています。そんな彼女がある日、仕事場に行く道で出会ったのが死にかけていた子猫のラムセスでした。彼女は子猫を引き取って病院に連れていき、やがて故郷のモスクワの実家で引き取ることにしたのでした。しかし、今月、ラムセスが亡くなりました。以下はハーミットさんからの便りです。 
  Ramses II was a stray kitten I found in February 2018 near Grand Egyptian Museum construction site. There used to be a cat family living there, but all of them disappeared one after another. Ramses was the last survivor from that family. When I found him he was very sick, starving, dehydrated and almost dead. 
  He was transferred to the vet clinic and after a few months of good care and good food he was a totally different cat. But always serious, calm and majestic, so that some people even believed he was a real Turkish Van rather than an Egyptian stray cat. He was named Ramses II after the statue of the famous Egyptian pharaoh, also known as Ramesses the Great. 
  In summer 2018 Ramses travelled to his new home in Russia. He quite enjoyed living in a big house with a private garden. He loved snow and love affairs with female cats. 
  At the end of 2019 his health suddenly deteriorated. In spite of all the efforts cat Ramses II passed away in the morning on 8th of January at his home. He will be missed by his owner, family and friends, but he will not be forgotten. 
He lived a short, but quite bright and happy life. Some people might say it was not worth it - saving his life and spending so much time, effort and money on his medication and transportation. I believe it was worth it in all senses. I am still proud of Ramses and the transformation he made from a half dead stray cat to a magnificent stately animal. 
He is still one of my favorite cases as he opened the door to other stray cats and their chance to find their homes. While posting updates on Ramses’s health I received a lot of sincere support from many people who were really worried about cat Ramses and his fate. 
Heather Hermit 
◎ Please, support the Egyptian cats with your donation if you want to help.No matter the amount, we are grateful to any support. The money will go directly to one of the animal shelters or vet clinics in Egypt. Please make your donation via Paypal to : 
■カイロの猫たちの記録   モスクワの雪  Heather Hermit 
■カイロの猫たちの記録  ぐっすり眠る猫  Heather Hermit 
■カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  子猫ラムセスがモスクワへ行く  Heather Hermit 
■カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  動物病院  Heather Hermit 
■カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  死にかけていた子猫 Heather Hermit 
■カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  Heather Hermit 
■カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  美猫コンテスト Heather Hermit 
■カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  子猫ラムセスの不安  Heather Hermit 
■カイロの猫たちの記録( Cat in Cairo " The Beast ")  猫の頭の中にあるもの  Heather Hermit 
■ロシア構成主義の建築物の場所を示したモスクワ地図 「なぜ私たちはこの地図を今、作ったか?」 デザイナーの一人にインタビュー 'Save the Constructivist buildings in Moscow.' 

Copyright (C) Berita unless otherwise noted.
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