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イスラム教シーア派を国教とするイランの台頭、シーア派が政治力を増したイラク、レバノンでシーア派民兵組織ヒズボラが対イスラエル戦で「善戦」したことなどで、レバノンからイラク、イランへといたる地域を「シーア派の三日月地帯」(Shia crescent)と呼ぶ言い方が流行りだした。しかし専門家は、複雑な問題を安易に簡単な言葉で表現することは理解を妨げる、と指摘する。(鳥居英晴)
「三日月地帯」というと古代オリエントの中心地を指す「肥沃な三日月地帯」(Fertile Crescent)や世界最大のケシ栽培地アフガニスタン・パキスタン・イラン国境付近の「黄金の三日月地帯」(Golden Crescent)を思い起こすが、「シーア派の三日月地帯」という言葉を始めて使った(coin)のはヨルダンのアブドラ国王。イラクで国民議会の選挙が実施される前の2004年12月、米国のワシントン・ポスト紙とのインタビューで述べた。
If pro-Iran parties or politicians dominate the new Iraqi government, he said, a new "crescent" of dominant Shiite movements or governments stretching from Iran into Iraq, Syria and Lebanon could emerge, alter the traditional balance of power between the two main Islamic sects and pose new challenges to U.S. interests and allies.
"If Iraq goes Islamic republic, then, yes, we've opened ourselves to a whole set of new problems that will not be limited to the borders of Iraq. I'm looking at the glass half-full, and let's hope that's not the case. But strategic planners around the world have got to be aware that is a possibility," Abdullah added.
米国外交評議会は6月、台頭するシーア派三日月地帯についてシンポジウムを開いた。「Is there a Shiite crescent forming in the Middle East?」(中東でシーア派の三日月地帯は形成されているのか)と題する同評議会の資料によると、専門家の意見は分かれる。
Experts on the Arab world disagree. Some say the so-called "Shiite crescent," which presumably includes Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, is being overblown. ・・・Adds Tehran University's Kamran Taremi: "This concept [of a Shiite crescent] is a figment of the imagination of those inside and outside Iraq whose interests require them to present Iran as a threat to the Arab world."
But other experts say Shiism, at least in the Persian Gulf region, is ascendant. "That subregion of the Middle East is beginning to be polarized, not so much between revolutionary Islam and status-quo powers but along sectarian lines," CFR Senior Fellow Ray Takeyh told the Middle East Policy Council in December.
中東問題のライター、アビゲイル・フィールディング・スミスはは「The Shi'a crescent: myth or reality?」(シーア派の三日月地帯:神話かそれとも現実か)と題した評論をネット雑誌、openDemocracyに寄せ、「現在、地域に“新しいパラダイム”があるとすれば、それは宗教的なものよりむしろ、地政学的なものである」とする。
A more nuanced awareness and vocabulary are clearly needed to grasp the web of relationships both within and between the middle east's Sunni and Shi'a communities, if oversimplification is not to lead to errors of policy as well as understanding.
'It is almost too easy to believe in the "Shia crescent",' said Professor Jean-Francois Seznec, of Columbia University's Middle East Institute. 'If you look at the map it seems to make a lot of sense but, though there is to an extent a revival, it is a bit far-fetched to go from that to a conspiracy to take over the region.“
「三日月地帯」と同じように、arc(弧)という言葉も地政学ではよく使われる。冷戦時の1980年、カーター政権の国家安全保障担当補佐官であったズビグニュー・ブレジンスキーは、中東から南アジアまでを“arc of crisis”(危機の弧)と名づけた。米国は現在、中東から北東アジアにいたる地域を ”arc of instability”(不安定の弧)と呼んでいる。
英国のトニー・ブレアー首相が“arc”を使った新たな言葉を造語した。“arc of extremism”(過激主義の弧)である。8月1日、中東に関する外交方針を明らかにした際に使った。
“There is an arc of extremism now stretching across the Middle East and touching, with increasing definition, countries far outside that region. ・・・From the above it is clear that from now on, we need a whole strategy for the Middle East. If we are faced with an arc of extremism, we need a corresponding arc of moderation and reconciliation.”
An arc is exactly like a crescent, especially when it's splashed (crescent-like) over maps of the Middle East by the BBC's helpful graphics department. Does Blair not remember how King Abdallah of Jordan caused a diplomatic storm during the last Iraqi election by publicly warning of the "Shia crescent" that was stretching from Iran into Iraq and Syria - and Lebanon? Blair should be more careful with his semiotics.
'Axis of evil' and 'an arc of extremism' are lazy descriptions of complex problems, as if you can solve them more easily by describing them more simply, as if a soundbite description will allow a soundbite solution.
シーア派の三日月地帯 神話かそれとも現実か
