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<A href="http://jijieigo.at.webry.info/200811/article_1.html" target="_blank">ブログ版</A>
金融危機の要因になったのはexotic finance(エキゾチック金融)だとされる。金融市場は伝統的で単純な商品、plain vanilla(プレーンバニラ)の世界だったが、21世紀に入りleverage(レバレッジ、テコ)をかけた複雑なexotic financial instruments((エキゾチック金融商品)が市場を支配するようになった。plain vanillaは「簡潔な」という意味で、plain vanilla ice creamが語源である。それに対比されるのがexotic。exoticはtoxic(有毒)にもなった。exotic and toxic financial instruments(エキゾチックで有毒な金融商品)という表現もみられる。(鳥居英晴)
Investopediaはplan vanillaを次のように説明している。
The most basic or standard version of a financial instrument, usually options, bonds, futures and swaps. Its opposite is an exotic instrument, which alters the components of a traditional financial instrument, resulting in a more complex security.
For example, a plain vanilla option is the standard type of option, one with a simple expiration date and strike price and no additional features. With an exotic option, such as a knock-in option, an additional contingency is added so that the option only becomes active once the underlying stock hits a set price point.
Asia Times(10月21日)でHossein Askari と Noureddine KricheneはMonetary despotism(金融専制主義)と題し、金融救済策について次のように述べている。
Certainly, Western central banks have not injected this much in real gross domestic product, that is, in millions of tons of commodities (rice, corn, milk, oil, vegetables, clothing). If they had done so, their action would have been most beneficial. They have only created money out of nothing. Some call it legal robbery, others call legal counterfeiting.
Their action has amounted only to a redistribution of real GDP and real wealth among two groups: the winners (bankers, debtors) and the losers (workers, taxpayers, pensioners, creditors). How will this redistribution take place? The answer is forced inflation.
Bailouts schemes on such a scale have no precedent. They are the outcome of cheap money policy followed in the past decade and the sophisticated speculation, call it financial engineering or exotic finance, which developed complex derivatives, proliferating fictitious credit to gain abnormal returns.
アメリカン・プロスペクト誌(10月16日)のThe Case for Plain Vanilla(プレーンバニラ弁護論)と題する Robert Kuttneの記事は次のように述べている。
Why, after all, do people and financial systems go bankrupt "gradually, and then suddenly?" Because as their real situation worsens, they stave off the day of ruin by borrowing. Bankruptcy comes with terrible suddenness when creditors stop lending. The more exotic and opaque the security, the higher the tower of possible debt and the more devastating the eventual crash.
Here is the radical implication of these interconnected collapses: The next financial system, rebuilt by governments on the ruins of the old one, needs to be plain vanilla. The banking system should be restored to its basic role of supplying credit to the real economy, with as few complications as possible.
If financial engineering did all that its enthusiasts claim for it by way of improving the efficiency of capital markets, we would have seen the results in improved GDP. But growth was far higher in the era of plain vanilla finance.
In 2000, then Senator Phil Gramm, now an adviser to John McCain, got a law enacted for the benefit of Enron, effectively prohibiting the regulation of credit default swaps entirely. Had these two forms of regulation not been politically aborted, the current financial collapse would have been avoided. So the challenge of prohibiting the most dangerous of financial exotics is not technical, but political.
