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レバノン紛争に関する英文記事を読んでいるとnonstate actorという言葉がよく出てくる。ヒズボラなどを説明する表現で、非国家主体と訳されるらしい。しかし、日本語の一般記事ではほとんどお目にかからない言葉だ。(鳥居英晴)
In policy circles, Hezbollah is called a "nonstate actor," a somewhat academic term for radical groups -- al Qaeda perhaps being the best known -- that answer to no central government and that are increasingly roiling the global stage.
英紙ガーディアン(7月28日)でDavid Hirstは、イラクなど中東地域でイスラムの非国家主体が 既存の権威の役割を奪ったり、弱体化させている、と次ぎのように述べている。
These non-state actors are found, typically, in the mayhem that is Iraq. They are both Islamist - as adherents of universalist, fundamentalist, political Islam - and sectarian, in the sense that, in their communal loyalties, they are Shias or Sunnis and, as such, apt to engage in intense, and sometimes murderous, conflict with each other. But they are also found in an around that most critical of Middle Eastern arenas, Israel/Palestine, where they have supplanted or undermined the role of existing authorities.
The latest example of a nonstate actor sweeping to power is Somalia. There, the Islamist militia of Islamic Courts, a group Washington accuses of having ties with al Qaeda.
nonstate actorという言葉と並んで、ヒズボラを表現するものとしてよく出てくるのが、state within a state(国家内国家)。
From the Middle East to South Asia to the Horn of Africa, the United States and its allies are increasingly forced to deal with such "states within states" that defy central authority, carry out terrorist activities in neighboring countries and threaten to draw outside nations into major regional conflicts. (サンフランシスコ・クロニカル)
“And the U.N. Security Council entirely adopted the resolution that recognizes that only Israel and Lebanon are responsible for this area. There is no more state within state.”
しかし、8月16日のニューヨーク・タイムズの「A vacuum in Lebanon, and Hezbollah fills it」という見出しの記事は、レバノンでのイスラエルの爆撃による被害の復興作業で、弱体な中央政府と対照的に、ヒズボラが中心になって活動していることを伝えている。
Hezbollah's strength, said Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, a professor at the Lebanese American University who has written extensively about the organization, derives in large part from what she called "the gross vacuum left by the state." Hezbollah was not a state within a state, she said, but "a state within a nonstate, actually."
「レバノンのアメリカン大学のAmal Saad-Ghorayeb,教授は、ヒズボラの強さは国家により真空地帯として残されたところから、主に出てきている。彼女によれば、ヒズボラは国家内国家ではなく、”非国家内国家”であった」
