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【18】”surge”か”escalation”か”augmentation”か 増派をめぐる言葉の戦争
<A href="http://jijieigo.at.webry.info/200804/article_36.html" target="_blank">ブログ版</A>
ブッシュ大統領が10日に発表した2万人以上の米兵のイラクへの増派決定をどう表現するのかをめぐって、言葉の戦争(war of wards)が勃発している。米メディアは一時的増派(temporary troop increase)という意味で“surge”と表現している。しかし、実態は”escalation”であり、世論をミスリードするものであるという批判が起きている。(鳥居英晴)
超党派の「イラク研究グループ」が昨年12月6日に発表した勧告でも、”We could, however, support a short-term redeployment or surge of American combat forces to stabilize Baghdad."と使われている。
"An escalation, whether it is called a 'surge' or any other name, is still an escalation, and I believe it would be an immense new mistake."(1月9日エドワード・ケネディ上院議員)
“I would call it, Senator, an augmentation that allows the Iraqis to deal with this very serious problem that they have in Baghdad,"(1月11日上院外交委員会公聴会)
ワシントン・ポスト紙の1月10日(電子版)で Paul Farhi記者は、”surge”は「婉曲表現(euphemism)のための婉曲表現」であるとする。
The very vagueness of "surge" might make it the politically perfect word for what is likely to be a controversial policy… In that context, surge is a euphemism for a euphemism.
"It just seems to be a term that cropped up that seemed useful," says Lewis Sorley, a retired Army officer and prominent military historian.
Sorley notes that the word is politically savvy because "surge" seems to suggest a sharp passing event. "If you're trying to engender support from those who have doubts about the war, it's a useful word," he says. "Because if this is a temporary event, it might be more palatable."
“Surge" falls into "the Orwellian zone between language and politics," says Tom Rosenstiel, director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism, which studies and evaluates the media. "The president and his advisers would be remiss if they didn't come up with a term suited to their new policy. But journalists would be equally remiss if they just thoughtlessly repeated the term without pondering the policy and its implications."
Gainesville Sun紙のJack Stripling記者は1月2日(電子版)で、カリフォルニア大バークレーの言語学者George Lakoffの見方を紹介している。”surge”を使用している人たちは、実際には長期的派遣を考えているのだという。
George Lakoff, a professor of linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, says it's no coincidence supporters of sending additional troops to Iraq advocate a "surge" rather than an “increase.”
“Surge says it goes up and goes down and not only that, it goes up and goes down quickly,” said Lakoff, who has written extensively about the way language frames political discourse.
Pointing to a recent column published in "The Weekly Standard," Lakoff says there's evidence that supporters of a "surge" are in fact discussing a more long-term and extensive troop commitment than the chosen language implies.
The choice of words is not an academic point. A CBS poll released Monday found that only 18 percent of Americans support an escalation of forces in Iraq. However, when asked whether they support a “short-term troop increase,” the number jumps to 45 percent approval (48 percent disapproval).
Every time the media repeats the word “surge,” they are helping to mislead the American people about the long-term escalation being proposed. Reporters and news organizations have a responsibility to stop using the term to describe President Bush’s policy.
保守派の新聞、ワシントン・タイムズ紙のTony Blankley記者は1月10日の論説で、”escalation”という言葉が正直な使い方で、”surge”という言葉はごまかしであると次のように述べている。
The expected troop increase in Iraq is not a surge ― a surge being a transient, sudden rise. There is no plausible military theory which would rely on a brief increase in troop strength followed by the immediate withdrawal of such troops from Iraq.
The troops would surely be in theatre for an indefinite period. The words escalation, reinforcements or higher sustained troop levels would all be honest. The word "surge" is deceptive.
(注)“This will require increasing American force levels. So I've committed more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq. The vast majority of them -- five brigades -- will be deployed to Baghdad.”