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“decouple”とは「切り離す」という意味。” decoupling”は経済的な意味では、経済成長が環境への圧迫に結びつかないようにすることの意味で使われてきた。農業政策では、自然環境を守るという考え方に基づいて、農業生産と切り離し、農家に直接所得補償する政策をいう。
「世界経済の米国からの切り離し」という意味で“decoupling”という言葉が使われ出したのは米国経済が減速の兆しを見せ始めた昨年あたりから。国際通貨基金(IMF)が今年4月に発表した「世界経済見通し」は”Decoupling the Train? Spillovers and Cycles in Global Economy”(列車は切り離せるか?世界経済における波及効果と景気循環)と題する章を設け、デカップリング論を支持するニュアンスの内容になっている。
The old saying, “If the United States sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold,” remains relevant since the analysis shows that recessions in the United States (and, to a lesser extent, in other large economies) can exert significant spillovers on both advanced and developing economies. However, it also is an exaggeration because the estimated spillovers, as measured by the declines in output growth, are generally considerably smaller than the output decrease in the United States itself, particularly in the context of midcycle slowdowns.
デカップリング論を支持しないことを明言している米投資銀行のモルガン・スタンレー・アジアの会長、スティーブン・ローチはIMFの経済見通しについて同社のGlobal Economic Forum(4月9日)で”Spillovers versus Linkages”(波及と連関)と題し次のように述べている。
I have long been struck by the inherent inconsistency of a macro call that extols the virtues of integration and globalization, on the one hand, while celebrating the resilience of a decoupled world, on the other hand. Don’t kid yourself – if the lead engine of the global growth train goes off the tracks, the rest of the world will be quick to follow. So far, that hasn’t happened – underscoring my basic conclusion that there has yet to be a meaningful test of the global decoupling thesis. It’s up to the American consumer as to whether that test will ever occur.
サブプライムローン(信用度の低い借り手向け住宅ローン)問題が今年夏以降、拡大していくと、デカップリング論の形勢が悪くなってきた。ロイター通信(8月30日)は“Subprime saga strains economic decoupling theory”(サブプライム問題、デカップリング論に打撃)という見出しのEmily KaiserとKevin Plumbergによる分析記事を流した。
The subprime saga has dented a popular theory that the United States is ceding its position as the engine of the world economy, casting doubt on whether global growth can withstand a U.S. downturn.
As recently as June, economists at several major investment banks argued that the rest of the world was decoupling from the U.S. economy as rising powers such as China pulled their weight and a global investment boom kept money flowing. Stephen Jen, global head of currency research at Morgan Stanley, was one of the staunchest supporters of the decoupling theory but acknowledged it is undergoing a major test that depends almost entirely on how the U.S. stock market responds to its troublesome sibling, the credit market.
(主要投資銀行のエコノミストは6月にも、中国のような台頭しつつある大国が役割を果たし、世界的な投資ブームで資金は入り続けるので、世界は米国経済から切り離されと主張した。 モルガン・スタンレーの通貨調査部長のスティーブン・ジェンはデカップリング論の最も筋金入りの支持者であったが、その理論は大きな試練を受けており、米国の株式市場が問題を起こしている金融市場にどのように反応するかにかかっていることを認めた)
"If you have a severe correction in the U.S. equity market and severe correction in the credit market, you are going to see the same thing echoed in the entire world, and a broader slowdown than the theory would suggest," Jen said.
ロイター通信(10月12日)のHerbert Lashは“Emerging market ‘decoupling!’ theory may be premature”(新興市場のデカップリング論は時期尚早か)という見出しの記事で次のように述べている。
The notion that the U.S. is no longer the driver of world economic growth is in vogue on Wall Street, yet the idea that Europe and Asia have "decoupled" from the American economic engine may be more an investor hope than a sound investment theory.
An enormous shift has occurred in the global economy away from the developed world to emerging markets, said Antoine van Agtmael, who is chairman of Emerging Markets Management LLC in Arlington, Virginia, and who is credited with coining the term "emerging markets."
(バージニア州のアーリントンにあるエマージング・マーケッツ・マネイジメントの会長、Antoine van Agtmaelは、世界経済では先進世界から新興市場への大きな移動が起きたと言う。彼は「新興市場」という言葉を造語した)
Emerging markets now account for about one-quarter of global gross domestic product, about the same as the U.S. contribution, he noted.
Still, van Agtmael, who is attributed with first using the term "emerging markets" as an alternative to "Third World" in the early 1980s when he was a World Bank executive, remains skeptical that the world can fully decouple from the U.S. economy.
(それでも、世銀の幹部であった1980年代初めに「第三世界」という言葉の代わりに「新興市場」という言葉を最初に使ったとされるvan Agtmaelは、世界が完全に米国経済から切り離されることができるか懐疑的である)
In an age of globalization, emerging markets are part of the world and a U.S. slowdown is likely to be felt globally, he said.
"If there is a slowing in the United States, and especially if there is a slowing not just in the United States but in other parts of the developed world, then yes it will be felt" around the world, said van Agtmael.
(「米国で減速があり、特に米国だけではなく先進世界の他の部分でもあった場合、それは世界中で感じられるであろう」とvan Agtmaelは語った)
ブルームバーク・ニュース(12月7日)のSimon Kennedyの記事は“‘Decoupling' Debunked as U.S. Collapse Infects World”(「デカップリング」論の誤り明らかに 米国の破たん、世界に影響を及ぼす)という見出しがついている。
It turns out the U.S. economy matters after all. The credit collapse and dollar decline that followed a surge in U.S. home foreclosures jeopardize expansions in the U.K., Canada and Germany, economists said. They also debunk ``decoupling,'' an argument advanced by analysts at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley that the world wouldn't suffer as it did during U.S. slowdowns in previous decades.
``Two thousand and eight will be the year of `recoupling','' said Peter Berezin, an economist at Goldman in New York, explaining his firm's about-face. ``What began as a U.S.-specific shock is morphing into a global shock.''
(ニューヨークのゴールドマンのエコノミスト、Peter Berezinは同社の方針転換を説明して、「2008年は『リカップリング』の年になるであろう」と語った。「米国特有の衝撃として始まったものが、世界的な衝撃に変わりつつある」)
Decoupling is ``a good story, but it's not going to work going forward,'' Stephen Roach, chairman of Morgan Stanley in Asia, said in an interview in New Delhi on Dec. 2. His colleague, Stephen Jen, said in a report the previous week that because the possibility of a U.S. recession has increased, so has the chance that the rest of the world will falter.
``The American consumer is the big gorilla on the demand side of the global economy,'' Roach said. ``As the slowdown goes from housing to consumption, we'll find the world is not as decoupled as it thinks.''
英紙デイリーテレグラフ(12月12日)のAmbrose Evans-Pritchardは“Decoupling dies as half the globe hits crunch”(世界の半分が危機の襲われ、デカップリングは死んだ)と述べている。
China is indeed gobbling up iron ore, soybeans, and crude oil, but it still makes up less than 4pc of global consumption and is no longer adding to total demand. Imports have been more or less flat since April.
China is boosting GDP at the world's expense, by snatching markets with a cheap yuan. It is beggar-thy-neighbour growth.
Note that Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Lehman Brothers, have all begun to tear up the "decoupling" manual. - the pre-crunch script assuring us that the world could get along fine as the US buckled.
テレグラフ(11月18日)のTom Stevensonは“An economy on the brink of snapping”(ダウン寸前の経済)で次のように述べている。
It has been said that the road to every recession is signposted "soft landing". The end of this economic cycle looks like being no exception, even if the terminology is slightly different. This year's wishful thinking is dressed up as Goldman Sachs's "happy handover" or the ubiquitous "decoupling".
After a week of relentlessly depressing economic news, the doom-mongers' hand-wringing is understandable. An older adage is reappearing: it says that when America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold.
