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<A href="http://jijieigo.at.webry.info/200805/article_1.html" target="_blank">ブログ版</A>
チベットでの騒乱に端を発した中国に対する国際的な非難の高まりに、北京五輪の開催を前にした中国では、特に若者たちの間で民族主義的感情が高まっている。そうした青年たちは「憤青」(fenqing)と呼ばれる。英紙と米紙の2人の記者は、4月末、亡くなった中国人作家が批判した中国文化の傾向を fenqingに見出している。(鳥居英晴)
Fenqing(憤青), or "FQ" (abbreviation), which is itself an abbreviation for Fennu Qingnian (憤怒青年), means literally "angry youth". It mainly refers to youth who display a high level of Chinese nationalism. This term first appeared in Hong Kong in the 1970s, referring to those young people who were not satisfied with Chinese society and sought reform. It has now evolved into a term used predominantly in Internet slang. Whether fenqing is derogatory or not usually depends on the person. Critics describe them with negative terms(lit. "shit-youth" or "idiotic youth", same pronunciation), which can be changed further to "fenfen" as a derogatory nickname.
(憤青は、略号はFQ、憤怒青年の略称で、文字通り「怒れる青年」を意味する。それは主に熱烈な中国民族主義を示す青年を指す。この言葉は最初、 1970年代に香港に現れた。それは、中国社会に満足せず、改革を求めた若い人々を指した。現在では、主にインターネットのスラングとして使われる言葉になっている。憤青が軽蔑的であるかどうかは、人によって異なる。彼らに批判的な者は、軽蔑的なあだ名として否定的な言葉で同じ発音の「糞青」や、さらに「糞糞」などの言葉で説明する)
The phenomenon of fenqing arose after the "reform and opening up" of the Chinese government, during the period of fast economic development that occurred in China. Some people argue that fenqing are a natural reaction to recent neoconservatism in Japan and the neoconservatism in the United States.
(憤青の現象は、中国で起きた急速な経済発展の時期である、中国政府の「改革開放」政策の後に起きた。憤青は日本と米国の最近の新保守主義に対する自然な反応であると主張する人もいる) 英紙フィナンシャル・タイムズの北京駐在記者、Jamil Anderliniは、China’s angry youth vent their feelings(中国の怒れる若者、感情を爆発させる)と題する記事(5月2日)で憤青について次のように述べている。
Images of angry Chinese students beating up Korean protesters in Seoul and attacking Carrefour supermarkets at home may well have been the last thing Bo Yang, the controversial author of The Ugly Chinaman, saw before he died on Tuesday in Taiwan at the age of 88.
Mr Bo, renowned for his criticism of what he dubbed Chinese cultural tendencies towards authoritarianism, xenophobia and intolerance, spent nine years in prison in Taiwan . But he saved his most scathing criticism for the Chinese Communist party, which he accused of drawing out the worst characteristics of the Chinese people.
For some in China, those characteristics have been evident in the behaviour of the young nationalists known as fenqing, or “angry youth”, behind an aggressive response at home and abroad to the pro-Tibet protests that greeted the Olympic torch relay in places such as Europe and ¬Australia.
“These people have been trained in an authoritarian system. They are at the same time victims of an authoritarian system, but they also behave in an authoritarian way towards others and are incredibly self-righteous,” says a Chinese politics professor, who asked not to be named. “We should be more tolerant and respect the right of people to disagree with us but these people do not understand such values.”
The term fenqing has been used in each of the past three generations to describe very different kinds of rebel.
In the Cultural Revolution, the word referred to the millions of urban-dwelling students who were sent to the countryside to toil with peasants and became embittered towards a society that had stolen their futures. In the 1980s the term was used to describe the students and intellectuals who shaped the movement for greater social and political freedoms that ended when the tanks rolled into Tiananmen Square on June 4 1989. The Ugly Chinaman became hugely popular among that generation of fenqing when it was published in 1985.
In recent weeks the world has seen a glimpse of the modern fenqing – patriotic, xenophobic, nationalistic and, in some cases, violent in their defence of the motherland. This latest incarnation has partly emerged as the result of government policies implemented in reaction to the events of 1989, after which “patriotic” indoctrination became an even more important element of the education system.
With limited access to alternative views, the vast majority of Chinese are not aware of the deep resentment many Tibetans feel towards Beijing’s heavy-handed style of governance. They accept without question the official version that recent protests began when a handful of criminals went on a rampage at the incitement of the Dalai Lama.
“People in the west don’t understand the Tibet issue and they are being tricked into attacking China,” says one avowed fenqing who asked not to be named.
But for many outside China the fenqing appear to be looking at the west through the prism of their own society and assuming that governments elsewhere exercise as much control over public discourse as the Communist party does in China.
“China and the Communist party seem to have become fused in the minds of most of the young Chinese I’ve met,” says a Danish student at Peking University, the birthplace of the Tiananmen generation’s fenqing but today a place where the politics of patriotism drown out dissenting voices.
“If you criticise the government it’s like you’re criticising the entire nation of 1.3bn people.”
米紙ワシントン・ポストの前北京駐在記者、John Pomfretもブログ(5月1日)で憤青を取り上げている。
China's angry youth - called "fen qing" in Chinese - are ruining their country's reputation around the world and spelling the end of a decade-long honeymoon that the world has had with China.
In cities around the world, the Chinese embassy has fanned the passions of the "angry youth" by encouraging them to demonstrate, handing out T-shirts and flags.
While I have no problem with displays of patriotic feeling, the only thing these "angry youth" are accomplishing is turning the world away from China. And they are not alone in this ill-fated effort to get China's point across. China's propaganda machine is also seriously in need of repairs.
It's sadly ironic that during a week that began with Chinese students rampaging through the streets of a foreign capital beating demonstrators, the man who gave the world one of the most incisive critiques of Chinese culture died. Bo Yang, the great Chinese philosopher, writer, former political prisoner and author of one of the most incisive critiques of Chinese culture, passed away on Tuesday in Taiwan. The native of Hebei-province long railed against the type of group-think evidenced by today's "angry youth." The title of Bo's best known work? "The Ugly Chinese and the Crisis of Chinese Culture."
