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「世紀に一度once-in-a-century 」(アラン・グリーンスパン)という米国の金融危機で何が起きているのか。キーワードはdeleverage(デレバレッジ)である。「レバレッジ解消」「レバレッジ外し」「レバレッジ引き下げ」「脱レバレッジ」などと訳されている。“The shadow banking system”(影の銀行システム)という言葉を流行らせた、世界最大の債券運用会社PIMCO(ピムコ)のポール・マカリーは 、いま起きている現象を“the paradox of deleveraging”(レバレッジ゛解消のパラドックス)と呼んでいる。(鳥居英晴)
1. The use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital, such as margin, to increase the potential return of an investment. 2. The amount of debt used to finance a firm's assets. A firm with significantly more debt than equity is considered to be highly leveraged.
(1. 委託証拠金など、さまざまな金融手段や借入資金を使い、投資のリターンの見込みを増加させること。 2. 会社の資産調達のために使われる借金の額。自己資本より著しく債務の方が多い会社は、非常にレバレッジが高いと見なされる)
簡単に言えば、他人から借りた金で、手持ちの資金よりも多い金額を動かす投機的取引を行うことである。margin trading(信用取引)、short selling(空売り)、futures (先物)、carry trade(キャリートレード)などはレバレッジを上げることができる。
A company's attempt to decrease its financial leverage. The best way for a company to delever is to immediately pay off any existing debt on its balance sheet. If it is unable to do this, the company will be in significant risk of defaulting. Companies will often take on excessive amounts of debt to initiate growth. However, using leverage substantially increases the riskiness of the firm. If leverage does not further growth as planned, the risk can become too much for the company to bear. In these situations, all the firm can do is delever by paying off debt.
Ann PettiforがopenDemocracy(9月16日)の“America’s financial meltdown: lessons and prospects”(米国の金融崩壊:教訓と見通し)と題する記事の中で具体的に説明している。 Deleveraging means paying off (or more accurately writing off) the crazy amounts borrowed on the back of tiny amounts of real money - say the $1 million borrowed (or leveraged) on the back of $1,000 of sound collateral; deleveraging that debt would entail paying off / writing off $999,000.
ウォールストリート・ジャーナルの”Worst Crisis Since '30s, With No End Yet in Sight”(1930年代以来の最悪の危機、終わりが見えず)という記事(9月18日)は次のように述べている。
Fed and Treasury officials have identified the disease. It's called deleveraging, or the unwinding of debt.
At least three things need to happen to bring the deleveraging process to an end, and they're hard to do at once. Financial institutions and others need to fess up to their mistakes by selling or writing down the value of distressed assets they bought with borrowed money. They need to pay off debt. Finally, they need to rebuild their capital cushions, which have been eroded by losses on those distressed assets.
But many of the distressed assets are hard to value and there are few if any buyers. Deleveraging also feeds on itself in a way that can create a downward spiral: Trying to sell assets pushes down the assets' prices, which makes them harder to sell and leads firms to try to sell more assets. That, in turn, suppresses these firms' share prices and makes it harder for them to sell new shares to raise capital. Mr. Bernanke, as an academic, dubbed this self-feeding loop a "financial accelerator."
(しかし、不良資産の多くは評価がするのが難しく、買い手もほとんどいない。レバレッジ解消も下方スパイラルを作り出して、自らの餌食になる。つまり、資産を売ろうとすると、資産価格を下落させる。売るのがより難しくなり、会社はさらに多くの資産を売ろうとする。次にそれは、会社の株価を抑え、資金を調達するための新株をより売りにくくする。 バーナンキ氏は学者として、この自動給餌ループを「フィナンシャル・アクセル レータ」と呼んだ)
プリンストン大学教授のポール・クルーグマンはニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(9月7日)の“The Power of De”(Deの力)と題するコラムで、PIMCOのマカリーに言及している。
As the economist Irving Fisher observed way back in 1933, when highly indebted individuals and businesses get into financial trouble, they usually sell assets and use the proceeds to pay down their debt. What Fisher pointed out, however, was that such selloffs are self-defeating when everyone does it: if everyone tries to sell assets at the same time, the resulting plunge in market prices undermines debtors’ financial positions faster than debt can be paid off. So deflation in asset prices can turn into a vicious circle. And one consequence of what he called a “stampede to liquidate” is a severe economic slump.
That’s what’s happening now, with debt deflation made especially ugly by the fact that key financial players are highly leveraged ― their assets were mainly bought with borrowed money. As Paul McCulley of Pimco, the bond investor, put it in a recent essay titled “The Paradox of Deleveraging,” lately just about every financial institution has been trying to reduce its leverage ― but the plunge in asset values has nonetheless left these institutions with more debt relative to their assets than before.
(それがいま起きていることである。主要な金融プレーヤーは、レバレッジが高くなり、負債デフレは特に醜悪になっている。彼らの資産は、主に借金で買われた。債券投資業PIMCOのポール・マカリーが“The Paradox of Deleveraging”と題する最近のエッセイの中で述べているように、最近、どの金融機関もレバレッジを下げようとしているが、資産価格の急落で、以前より、資産と比べて債務が増えている)
そのマカリーのレポート(7月22日)は、the paradox of thrift(節約のパラドックス)という類似したマクロ経済学の概念を使って説明している。「節約のパラドックス」とは、貯蓄を増やそうとして、すべての個人が支出を削ってしまうと、社会全体の貯蓄はかえって減ってしまう現象のことをいう。個人の貯蓄が増えれば、消費が減り投資が減る。すると売り上げが減り、所得が減る。結果、国民全体の貯蓄は減ってしまう。この原理は、the paradox of aggregation(集団のパラドックス)という言われるマクロ経済学の概念の一部である。
This process is sometimes called, especially by Fed officials, a negative feedback loop. And it is, though I prefer calling it the paradox of deleveraging, because the very term cries out for both a monetary and fiscal policy response, not just a monetary one.
Conventional wisdom holds that when an economy faces a paradox of private thrift, it is appropriate for the sovereign to go the other way, borrowing money to spend directly or to cut taxes, taking up the aggregate demand slack. Indeed, that is precisely what Congress did earlier this year, sending out $100+ billion of rebate checks, funded with increased issuance of Treasury debt. Good ole fashioned Keynesian stuff!
Concurrently, conventional wisdom is struggling mightily with the notion that when the financial system is suffering from a paradox of deleveraging, the sovereign should lever up to buy or backstop deflating assets. But analytically, there is no difference: both the paradox of thrift and the paradox of deleveraging can be broken only by the sovereign going the other way.
PIMCOの投資責任者で「bond king(債券王)」の異名を取るビル・グロスも9月4日、financial tsunami(金融津波)を阻止するため、米政府は新たな財政出動が必要であるというレポートを発表した。
This rarely observed systematic debt liquidation is what confronts the U.S. and perhaps even the global financial system at the current time. Unchecked, it can turn a campfire into a forest fire, a mild asset bear market into a destructive financial tsunami.
If we are to prevent a continuing asset and debt liquidation of near historic proportions, we will require policies that open up the balance sheet of the U.S. Treasury – not only to Freddie and Fannie but to Mom and Pop on Main Street U.S.A., via subsidized home loans issued by the FHA and other government institutions.
The Bill Gross-managed Pimco Total Return fund reaped a $1.7bn payday following the US government takeover of home loan giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
While shareholders in Fannie and Freddie suffered deep losses, the world’s biggest bond fund saw its highest ever one-day rise against its benchmark index on Monday, benefiting from the bet made by Mr Gross on mortgage bonds issued by the agencies.
Mr Gross had made a big shift out of US Treasuries and corporate bonds over the past year and into agency bonds, betting that the government would support Fannie and Freddie Mac. By May this year, more than 60 per cent of his $132bn fund was in mortgage debt.
ニューヨーク大学教授のノリエル・ルービニが会長を務めるRGE Monitorの9月10日のレポートは、PIMCOの政府資金投入の主張を批判して、次のように述べている。
The paradox of deleveraging: The idea of Treasury intervention goes back to an earlier article by Pimco’s “spokesman” par excellence, Paul McCulley. McCulley argues that it is one thing for a single bank to shed assets in order to reduce its leverage to more acceptable levels; but it’s another thing if every bank does so at the same time.
The reason is that collective asset-shedding drives asset prices down, creating losses for all those who own them (including the banks), which in turn reduces banks’ equity. Lower equity means leverage goes back up―which makes the whole deleveraging effort counterproductive. That’s what McCulley calls “the paradox of deleveraging.”
Back to deleveraging: Never mind the paradox of thrift. But what about the paradox of deleveraging? Hmmm… The argument rests on the assumption that current asset prices don't make sense.. that they are falling way below what is justified by fundamentals―say, historic default and recovery rates on mortgages.
Problem is, the “fairness” of current prices remains a trillion-dollar question. Especially as the economy weakens further and unemployment keeps climbing. And even more so since the prices of many of these securities were extremely dubious to begin with―to the point that Gross himself labeled some of them as “garbage” only a few months back.
Internalizing the externality: But could a government intervention be justified by the existence of a market failure, like an externality? You know, when you have some agents (read “undercapitalized banks”) deleveraging and, in the process, cause collateral damage (read “falling asset prices”) on good guys (read “Pimco & co”)? Even here, the government’s role is not obvious. The market-based solution would have the “bad” guys “internalize” the cost of their actions.
Ultimately, the excesses of the past few years are turning out to have been too gigantic for even the wildest of imaginations. But asking the government (taxpayer) to assume a liability of still-unknown proportions is clearly wrong―a massive wealth transfer from (greedy) borrowers to (prudent) savers. Yet, this is what we are seeing, with July’s housing bill and the latest government plan to bail out Fannie and Freddie. We are all Keynesians now.
(結局、過去数年の行き過ぎは、最もとっぴな想像力にとっても巨大すぎたということが分かりつつある。しかし、大きさがまだ分からない債務を肩代わりするように政府(納税者)に求めることは、明らかに間違いである。(貪欲な)借り手から、(慎重な)倹約家への膨大な富の移転である。けれども、これが起きていることである。7月の住宅法案、ファニーメイとフレディマックを救済する政府の最新の計画である。 われわれはみなケインジアンである)
米保険大手アメリカン・インターナショナル・グループ(AIG)が米政府の管理下に置かれることが9月16日に発表されると、PIMCOのトータル・リターン・ファンドのパフォーマンスは一転して、マイナス1.38パーセントと、過去3年で最大の落ち込みを記録した。PIMCOはAIG発行の7億6000万ドルの社債を保証したcredit default swaps(クレジット・デフォルト・スワップ)を売っていたからだ。
米タイム誌の“Even Bond Guru Bill Gross Can't Escape”(債券の教祖ビル・グロスでさえも逃げられず)と題する記事(9月18日)は次のように述べている。
Gross, who likes to compare the financial sector of late to a game of Old Maid ― hide your bad loans in your hand and hope no one notices ―says that now the game has taken on a different air. "We're still playing Old Maid," he says, "but increasingly the market is reaching across the table and pulling the player's hand down to see whether or not the Old Maid is there."