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イスラエル国防軍は、12月27日に始めたパレスチナ自治区ガザ地区への攻撃を“Operation Cast Lead”(キャスト・レッド作戦)と命名(code-name)した。直訳すると「鋳造された鉛作戦」となる。ユダヤの祭日ハヌカに関連した詩からとられた。ハヌカは「神殿清めの祭り」とも呼ばれ、紀元前2世紀、異教徒によって汚された神殿を清めたことを記念して始まった。「鋳造された鉛」とは、ハヌカで子供たちが遊ぶドレイドル(こま)を指している。ドレイドルは、ユダヤ教が弾圧されたことを象徴するものであるという。(鳥居英晴)
命名の由来について、イスラエル国防軍のウェブサイトには説明はない。国際的な主要メディアでも、これについて説明した記事は見当たらない。エルサレム・ポスト(12月31日)のDavid Horovitzによる分析記事は、冒頭で次のように述べている。
Operation Cast Lead, launched with the defined goal of restoring security to the Kassam-battered south of Israel, was code-named for the Haim Nahman Bialik poem about a Hanukka spinning top cast from solid lead.
同紙も作戦名について、これ以上の説明はしていない。Wikipedia には次のような記述がある。
Launched during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, the operation was named after a line in the children's Hanukkah song "In Honor of Hanukkah" by Hayyim Nahman Bialik in which a dreidel made of "cast lead" is mentioned.
Wikipedia によると、ビアリクは1873年にウクライナに生まれたヘブライ語詩人で、現代ヘブライ語詩のパイオニアの一人。イスラエルの国民詩人として見なされている。1934年、ウィーンで死去。
ビアリクの「ハヌカのために」には“cast of solid lead”という表現がでてくる。英訳は以下の通り。
For Hanukkah My father lit candles for me; Like a torch the Shamash shone. In whose honor, for whose glory? For Hanukkah alone. My teacher bought a big dreidel for me, Cast of solid lead, the finest known. In whose honor, for whose glory? For Hanukkah alone. My mother made a pancake for me, Hot and sweet and sugar-strewn. In whose honor, for whose glory? For Hanukkah alone. My uncle had a present for me, An old penny for my own. In whose honor, for whose glory? For Hanukkah alone.
昨年10月に誕生したばかりのネット新聞”The Daily Beast”(12月30日)に載ったWhy Israel Named Its Gaza War After a Hanukkah Poem(なぜイスラエルはガザ戦争をハヌカの詩から名付けたのか)と題するEthan Perlsonの記事は、ハヌカにどのような意味があるのかを説明している。
The operation began on Saturday, the sixth day of Hanukkah. According to Eli Isaacson, a spokesman for the IDF―who spoke to The Daily Beast moments after arriving at the site of a recent Qassam rocket explosion―the codename comes from a line in “For Hanukkah” referring to “a dreidel cast of solid lead.”
It might seem strange that Israel would name a military operation after a holiday associated with gifts and dreidels, but in Israel, the Hanukkah story celebrates national liberation. The holiday marks the victory of the Jews over Antiochus IV and the Seleucid Empire.
Antiochus precipitated a large-scale revolt in Judea by ordering an altar to Zeus erected in the Jewish temple. A two-year guerrilla war, led by the Maccabees, followed and ended in victory for the Jews. The temple was cleansed and rededicated on the 25th of Kislev (the start of Hanukkah), and the Maccabees gained political independence for Judea.
(アンティオコスは、ユダヤ教の神殿にゼウスを祭った祭壇を立てるように命じたことから、ユダヤの間に大規模な反乱を引き起こした。マカバイ一族に率いられた2年間のゲリラ戦が続き、ユダヤ人の勝利で終わった。ユダヤ暦、キスレーウの月 の25日に神殿は清められ、再びユダヤ教の神殿になった(ハヌカの始まり)。マカバイ一族はユダヤに政治的独立を勝ちとった)
Their Hasmonean kingdom was the last independent Jewish state for more than 2,000 years, until Israel was created.
The dreidel is one of the best known symbols of Chanukah. A four-sided top with a Hebrew letter on each side, the dreidel is used to play a fun Chanukah game of chance.
The letters on the dreidel, Nun, Gimmel, Hey and Shin, stand for the Nes Gadol Haya Sham, which means A Great Miracle Happened There.
(ドレイドルの文字Nun, Gimmel, Hey,Shinは「そこで偉大な奇跡が起きた」を意味する),
In Israel, the modern-day land of Judea in which the story of Chanukah took place, the letters on the dreidel are Nun, Gimmel, Hey and Peh, which stand for A Great Miracle Happened Here (Po, in Hebrew).
(ハヌカの物語が起きた、現代のユダヤの国のイスラエルでは、ドレイドルの文字はNun, Gimmel, Hey,Pehで「ここで偉大な奇跡が起きた」を意味する)
To play the game of dreidel, two to four players each get a handful of pennies or chocolate money called gelt. The remainder of the pot is left in the middle. The youngest players spins the dreidel and depending on what letter the top lands on, he or she will:
The dreidel -- or Sivivon in Hebrew, from the verb to spin -- continues to be passed around the circle until one player has won everyone's coins. The word dreidel comes from a Yiddish word meaning to turn.
According to some historians, Jews first played with a spinning top during the rule of the Greek King Antiochus'. In Judea, Antiochus had outlawed Jewish worship, so the Jews would use a game with the spinning top as a ruse to conceal that they were secretly studying Torah.
Palestine Chronicle(12月28日)のHanukkah Games in Gaza(ガザでのハヌカのゲーム)と題する Belén Fernándezによる記事は次のように述べている。
At first glance, Operation Cast Lead appeared to be quite straightforward in its evocation of imagery, at least in comparison to Operation Summer Rains―Israel's 2006 foray into Gaza, the title of which may have functioned more appropriately on the cover of a romance novel in the checkout lane of a supermarket. According to Wikipedia, however, the significance of Cast Lead was not readily discernible by superficial symbolic analysis; in other words:
- the term lead did not refer to harmful munitions made of heavy metals. - the term cast did not mean "wantonly dispersed in densely populated areas."
The Israeli Air Force has demonstrated its acute command of literature on such previous occasions as Operation Grapes of Wrath, in which more than a hundred Lebanese civilians were massacred at the United Nations compound in Qana in 1996. The choice of a literary title provided observers with substantial opportunities for metaphorical reflection on the fine art of Israeli warfare;
The game of dreidel ends when one player has taken everything in the pot. In Operation Cast Lead, the Palestinians of Gaza have been excluded from the game as players, but they have not been spared as gambling chips.
