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beggar-my-neighbor, beggar-thy-neighborは子供がするトランプ遊びで、2人で行い、一方の持ち札を全部取るまでやる。Beat Jack Out of Doors、Beat Your Neighbor Out of Doors、 Beat your Neighbor Out of Town、 Strip Jack Naked などともいう。「自己中心の」「他人に損をさせて自分は得をする」「近隣窮乏的な」などと訳される。「他国の犠牲のもとに自国の景気を回復しようとする政策」という意味で最初に使ったのは、ジョーン・ロビンソン。1937年に出版されたEssays in the Theory of Employment『雇用理論入門』のなかの “Beggar-my-neighbor Remedies for Unemployment”という論文で、大恐慌時代の貿易政策について説明するのに用いた。具体的には、為替レートを切り下げることによって輸出を増やし、その結果として相手国の失業を増大させるような政策をいう。
クルーグマンは、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(10月23日)のThe Chinese Disconnect(中国の断絶)と題するコラムで次のように述べている。
By pursuing a weak-currency policy, China is siphoning some of that inadequate demand away from other nations, which is hurting growth almost everywhere. The biggest victims, by the way, are probably workers in other poor countries. In normal times, I’d be among the first to reject claims that China is stealing other peoples’ jobs, but right now it’s the simple truth.
U.S. officials have been extremely cautious about confronting the China problem, to such an extent that last week the Treasury Department, while expressing “concerns,” certified in a required report to Congress that China is not ― repeat not ― manipulating its currency. They’re kidding, right?
In fact, some countries, most notably Switzerland, have been trying to support their economies by selling their own currencies on the foreign exchange market. The United States, mainly for diplomatic reasons, can’t do this; but if the Chinese decide to do it on our behalf, we should send them a thank-you note.
The point is that with the world economy still in a precarious state, beggar-thy-neighbor policies by major players can’t be tolerated. Something must be done about China’s currency.
グルーグマンは11月16日のWorld Out of Balance (不均衡な世界)と題するコラムでもこの問題を繰り返している。
China is the great exception. Despite huge trade surpluses and the desire of many investors to buy into this fast-growing economy ― forces that should have strengthened the renminbi, China’s currency ― Chinese authorities have kept that currency persistently weak. They’ve done this mainly by trading renminbi for dollars, which they have accumulated in vast quantities.
And in recent months China has carried out what amounts to a beggar-thy-neighbor devaluation, keeping the yuan-dollar exchange rate fixed even as the dollar has fallen sharply against other major currencies. This has given Chinese exporters a growing competitive advantage over their rivals, especially producers in other developing countries.
(ここ数ヶ月、中国は近隣窮乏化という通貨切り下げに当たるような行為をしている。 つまり、ドルが他の主要通貨に対して大幅に下落しているにもかかわらず、元・ドルの為替レートを固定している。このため、中国の輸出企業は外国の競争相手、特に他の途上国の製造業者、に比べますます有利になっている)
Unfortunately, the Chinese don’t seem to get it: rather than face up to the need to change their currency policy, they’ve taken to lecturing the United States, telling us to raise interest rates and curb fiscal deficits ― that is, to make our unemployment problem even worse.
(残念ながら、中国はこの問題を理解していないようである。中国は、通貨政策を変える必要性に向き合うのではなく、米国にお説教をしている。 われわれに対して、金利を引き上げ、財政赤字を抑制するよう求めている。つまり、米国の失業問題を更に悪化させることである)
In 2009, Asia’s currency-reserve arms race is mostly about risk. The wisdom of amassing huge dollar stockpiles was once clear enough. It was about walling off economies in times of turmoil and not having to go hat-in-hand to the International Monetary Fund. Now Asia is trapped.
The IMF crystallized the problem recently when it said the dollar is still overvalued. Considering the U.S.’s debt load, near-zero interest rates and rising unemployment, the currency is clearly too strong. A weaker dollar makes sense and it’s what the global economy needs. Asia must deal with it.
Just as Asia needs to stop parking its savings in the U.S., the biggest economy must learn to live without Asia’s money. It would force the U.S. to live within its means.
Yes, this is a farfetched idea. And there’s no widely accepted way to go about the process. The point is that we need to get radical if we are going to reduce financial imbalances. In Asia, that means letting currencies strengthen and the dollar weaken. Few things would do more to stabilize markets than this shift playing out in a smooth way.
Here, recent comments by World Bank Chief Economist Justin Yifu Lin about yuan appreciation derailing the global recovery are unhelpful. How a development economist could argue with a straight face that China’s beggar-thy-neighbor model is good for us all is beyond me. Now that Japan has learned to accept a stronger currency, China must, too.
メリーランド大学のピーター・モリチ教授もロイター通信の11月16日配信のコラムで、 China’s yuan, not the dollar, is too cheap(ドルではなく、中国の元が安すぎる)と主張している。
For nearly two decades, China has maintained an undervalued currency. The Chinese government tightly regulates private trading in the yuan, and each year, purchases more than 400 billion U.S. dollars with newly printed currency to keep the yuan artificially cheap against the dollar. That is 10 percent of China’s GDP and 20 percent of exports to make Chinese goods artificially inexpensive on U.S. store shelves and juice Chinese exports.
China amasses huge trade surpluses that power its impressive growth, and the rest of the world suffers slower growth to compensate. An economic miracle sold to the world as policy genius but really built on currency mercantilism and beggar-thy-neighbor protectionism.
一方、フーバー研究所上級研究員のメルビン・クラウスは、“beggar-my-neighbor”政策を取っているのは米国であるとする。11月14日のニューヨーク・タイムズのNo Tears for a Weak Greenback(弱いドルを嘆かない)と題するコラムで次のように述べている。
Washington’s policy, devaluing the U.S. dollar to increase U.S. exports, is clearly a “beggar-my-neighbor” policy. Yet no one’s been complaining.
Why not? Because the world thinks the greenback’s fall is good for global recovery. Even in Europe, the “neighbor” most “beggared” by the greenback’s fall, the silence has been deafening.
Europe is right for staying mum. The declining dollar ― or strong euro ― is helping European authorities restore health to the ailing banking sector ― and that’s critical for Europe’s recovery.
しかし、カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校の経営学教授で、The Coming China Wars(中国は世界に復讐する)の著者、ピーター・ナバロもクリスチャン・サイエンス・モニター(11月18日)で、The Fed is foolishly weakening the dollar(連邦準備制度委員会は愚かにもドル安政策を取っている)と批判し、低金利政策をやめるように求めている。
During the worst months of the global financial crisis, investors flocked to the dollar as a haven amid the storm. But since March 2009, when economic policy under the Bernanke Fed and the Obama administration became clearer, they have fled the greenback. In that time, the dollar index has fallen 16 percent.
The practical effect of the Fed's easy money policies has not been to stimulate the US economy through traditional channels of domestic consumption and business investment. Rather, it has debased the dollar and thereby, in true beggar-thy-neighbor fashion, helped to stimulate demand for US exports while discouraging imports from the rest of the world. To the rest of the world, this policy seems cynically aimed at bootstrapping the American economy through exports at the expense of its trading partners.
This beggar-thy-neighbor effect is further complicated by the Chinese government's pegging of its currency to the falling greenback. Because of this peg, every time the dollar falls, the Chinese yuan falls with it. The steadily weakening yuan has further boosted the already formidable competitive advantage of Chinese manufacturers in markets across the globe.
Washington officially supports a strong dollar. But its policies suggest otherwise. To avoid this destructive cycle, it is critical that the Fed and the Obama administration find the courage to end easy money and the accommodation of ever-larger budget deficits. This certainly won't be easy, but the road to global economic recovery must ultimately be paved with both fiscal and monetary discipline in the US – not with Great Depression-style competitive devaluations.
