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新たな集団虐殺を世界は見捨てるのか ガザ大学教員連盟らが世界に発信
プレスリリース:ガザ 新たな集団虐殺 2012/11/14
ガザは2006年以来、イスラエルによる絶滅政策と破壊行為を耐え忍んできた。われわれはあらためて非難する、これら継続するイスラエルの犯罪を前に、国際社会が共謀して沈黙を守っていること、そしてアラブ諸国の無能さを。われわれは指摘しておく、いかなるアラブの国によっても、イスラエルに対して、何らの行動もこれまでとられたことはなかったことを。われわれが殺戮されているのを、アラブの春は傍観しているつもりなのか? 空疎な修辞はもう結構だ。非難の言葉はアクションへと翻訳されなければならない!
国際社会の無為無策がわれわれにこの事態を招いたのだ。 ただちに、行動せよ、手遅れになる前に。
民主的一国家グループ スラエルに対するアカデミック・ボイコットのためのパレスチナ人学生キャンペーン 大学教員連盟 ーーーーーーーーーー Press Release: A new Gaza Massacre! 14.November.2012
Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine--The Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel, University Teachers’ Association and The One Dem ocratic State Group condemn in the strongest possible terms the criminal Israe li attack against innocent Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
More than 7 people have been killed within the last 6 h ours, including 7-year-old child Ranan Arafat. Charred bodies of injured child ren are pouring in to Al Shifa hospital and the other depleted hospitals aroun d the Gaza Strip. This heinous crime also comes one week after the re-election of Barak Obama for a second term. Tel Aviv claims to have been given the green light to annihilate as many Palestinians in Gaza as possible.
Gaza has been enduring Israeli policies of extermination and vandalism since 2006. We reiterate our condemnation of the international conspiracy of silence and Arab impotence in the face of these continuous Israeli crimes. We note tha t not a single action against Israel has been taken by any Arab country. Will the Arab Spring stand aside and watch while we are being butchered? Empty rhet oric will no longer be accepted. Words of condemnation have to be translated i nto action!
We also reiterate our call on all civil society organizations and political parties to boycott Israeli embassies and compel their governments to sever their diplomatic ties with Apartheid Israel. This time, Apartheid Israel must not g et away with its crimes against the innocent civilians of Gaza. All students a nd academics should stand in solidarity with their Palestinian colleagues and peers. We ask, what more does the international community need to see to be co nvinced to act than the dozens of dead corpses of children in Gaza? It is left to civil society and people of conscience to stop the ongoing massacre in Gaz a.
Inaction has led us to this point. ACT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!
One Democratic State Group Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel University Teachers’ Association ーーーーーーーーーーー