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<A href="http://jijieigo.at.webry.info/200804/article_8.html" target="_blank">ブログ版</A> Sovereign wealth fund(ソブリン・ウェルス・ファンド)はいま最もホットな話題である。1月のダボス会議ではSWFが主要なテーマになった。焦点は、SWFが旧来の“cross-border investment”(国境を越えた投資)なのか、あるいはサマーズ元財務長官が言うところの(政府が他国の自由市場で干渉をする)“cross-border nationalization”(国境を越えた国有化)なのかである。(鳥居英晴)
「SWFを『政府系ファンド』あるいは『国富ファンド』と呼ぶのは適切でない。前者は性格がまったく異なる金融機関である日本の「政府系銀行」を連想させるからであり、後者は「国富」が経済用語として別の意味で用いられているからである。 SWFは、組織の形態や運営の方法はさまざまである。しかし、『ソヴリン』つまり主権の管理下にある外貨準備などの金融資産を、主権を握る政府または王族あるいは党の目的のために運用する点で共通する。そこで、ソヴリン・ウェルス・ファンドを『主権ファンド』と呼ぶことにする」
ちなみに、中国のSWFである中国投資有限責任公司(CIC)が昨年9月に設立された中国では、SWFは「主権財富基金」と訳されている。また、韓国投資公社(KIC)というSWFを持つ韓国では、국부펀드(国富ファンド)と言われている。政府および政府機関または世界銀行など国際機関が発行・保証した債券であるsovereign bondは、中国語では主権債と訳されているが、日本ではソブリン債と言われている。一方、Wikipediaでは「ソブリン・ウエルス・ファンド」という項目が立てられているが、「政府系ファンド」などへの改名が提案されている。統一した訳語は決まりそうにない。
"Since the credit crunch began, you can sense a different mood," said Philip Whyte, a senior researcher at the Center for European Reform, a private research group based in London. "All of a sudden sovereign wealth funds have become the knights that ride to the rescue, and that has probably defused the potentially protectionist edge to the issue."
(「信用収縮が始まると、ムードは変わった」とロンドンの民間調査グループのCenter for European Reformの研究員であるPhilip Whyteは言う。「突然、SWFは救いに駆けつける騎士になり、恐らく、その問題への保護主義の強まりの可能性を防いだ」)
しかし、警戒感も依然残る。英紙フィナンシャル・タイムズ(1月21日)でJohn Willmanは“Yesterday’s bad guys ride to the rescue”(きのうの悪者が救済に駆けつける)と題した記事で次のように述べている。
Yesterday’s villains have become today’s white knights. Less than a year ago, the growing power of sovereign wealth funds was attracting criticism in the US and Europe as state-backed foreign investors used their enormous cash piles to snap up corporate assets.
Today, they are increasingly seen as saviours by companies needing to strengthen balance sheets as a result of the subprime lending crisis – including some of the world’s largest banks.
Yet the questions that used to prompt concerns over acquisitions in developed countries could still resurface once debt markets return to normal. Today, sovereign wealth funds may be seen as white knights, but in return for their investments they are acquiring the future income streams of some of the world’s most powerful institutions. Such shifts in global power can never be entirely smooth.
英誌エコノミスト(1月17日号)は”Capital markets The invasion of the sovereign-wealth funds”(資本市場 SWFの侵入)と題する特集を組んでいる。
Wall Street, the flagship of capitalism, has been bailed out by state-backed investors from emerging economies. That has people worried―for good reasons and bad Norse raiders one year and white knights the next, sovereign-wealth funds are as hard to grasp as shadows.
Sovereign-wealth funds are large and growing fast. Secretive and possibly manipulative, they are almost designed to raise suspicions. That is why the chief threat they pose is of financial protectionism. And it is why today's grand rescue on Wall Street is likely to lead to a backlash in Washington tomorrow.
ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(12月3日)のSteven R. WeismanのSWFについてこう述べる。
Before 2007, few had heard of sovereign wealth funds. But as announcement followed announcement of major purchases by the funds, they began to stir increasing debate, and some concern, in financial and political capitals.
The term applies to government-owned funds set up by the world’s leading exporters, especially China and the major oil producers, that are being deployed more assertively for investment in banks, private companies, equity funds, real property and other assets. Some call it “cross-border investment” of the kind that has happened for decades. But others call it “cross-border nationalization” because of the power that governments might have in countries where they invest.
同紙のFloyd Norrisはこう述べる(12月13日)。
The financial market crisis of 2007 may be remembered as the beginning of the nationalization of a large part of the financial system. This week, it took a government bailout to shore up UBS. Last month, it was Citigroup that got government aid to recover from its bad investments.
You may not have noticed these were government bailouts. They were government deals, but not the traditional kind. The difference is that the governments putting up the cash were not the ones where the banks were based. Singapore bailed out UBS, and Abu Dhabi did the favor for Citigroup.
Neither government took control of the banks in question, but they will no doubt be able to exert substantial influence, particularly if the banks find themselves with a need to raise more capital. Lawrence Summers, the Harvard economist and former Treasury secretary, calls the phenomena "cross-border nationalizations."
サマーズはダボス会議の"myths and realities of sovereign wealth funds"(SWFの神話と現実)と題する討論会で次のように述べた。(インターナショナル・ヘラルド・トリビューンン1月30日)。
The question is: If we believe in market economies, and we work very hard to create open markets and expand private enterprise, shouldn't we establish some set of standards that address the kinds of concerns I've noted that arise because of the element, no matter how small, of cross-border nationalization?
One suggestion is that the sovereign wealth funds themselves should get together and put an end to all this worry and discussion by agreeing to a number of principles to which they will abide - for example that under no circumstances are they going to speculate in currencies, they are always going to be long term investors and they are never going to use sovereign wealth funds to pursue any national political objective.
If sovereign wealth funds were to say they agree to these rules, that they have never done otherwise and never intend to, it would allay all the fears out there. It is the unwillingness to agree to such standards openly that is not wholly reassuring.
しかし、米誌ビジネス・ウィーク(1月24日)によると、ダボス会議のパネル討論で、SWFに関して深刻な懸念を表明したのは、サマーズだけであった。会議に出席していたthe kings of Wall Street(ウォール街の経営者)はおおむね、問題はないとの見方を示した。
But whether the U.S. can afford to obsess about such concerns at a time when it is running huge trade deficits and several of its biggest financial players are suffering from serious, often self-inflicted wounds, is an interesting question.
At the moment, the wealth funds are performing two very useful functions: shoring up the capital base of U.S. and European banks, and recycling current account surpluses. As Kristin Halvorsen, the Finance Minister of Norway, which has a $300 billion fund, said, "They don't like us, but they need our money."
自由貿易派の論客で、クリントン政権で商務次官を務めたエール大学経営大学院教授のジェフリー・ガーテンはフィナンシャル・タイムズのコラム(1月14日)の“The unsettling zeitgeist of state capitalism”(国家資本主義の不安な時代精神)と題するコラムで次のように述べている。
When it comes to foreign investment by state-owned companies or from sovereign wealth funds, the US and the EU need to set common standards for transparency, ownership and reciprocity. The rules should be enforceable – not milk-toast, voluntary guidelines.
In the late 18th century, capitalism was replacing feudalism. In the 20th century, freer markets won the day. Now the world is flirting with another big transformation in the philosophy and rules of global commerce. Unlike the changes of the past, this new trajectory does not represent progress.
翌15日の“How to live with the reality of state capitalism”(国家資本主義の現実とどのようにやっていくのか)と題するコラムでは、次のように嘆いている。
How can it be that Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and other big banks have been turning to foreign governments for financial lifelines with so little public controversy? Perhaps it is because the dangerous broader context of what is happening - the rise of "state capitalism" - is not sufficiently recognised. Indeed, the reality may be that the era of free markets unleashed by Margaret Thatcher and reinforced by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s is fading away.
At the moment, though, we are observing Thatcherism in reverse. Former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher set in motion a two-decade-plus process of selling national assets, believing that private managers create more wealth than public ones. These days, we're seeing the partial nationalization of capitalism's biggest names.
You really have to wonder what Mao Zedong would think about China's communist leaders subsidizing the capitalist aspirations of the West in the name of the motherland.
エコノミスト誌(1月17日)の表紙 湾岸諸国とアジア諸国の国籍マークをつけたヘリコプターの編隊が、資本主義の牙城のウォール街を救うために飛来している