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<A href="http://jijieigo.at.webry.info/200804/article_5.html" target="_blank">ブログ版</A> “kitchen sink strategy”(台所の流し戦略)という言葉が米大統領選に関する英文記事に登場し始めた。民主党指名争いで窮地に追い込まれたヒラリー・クリントン陣営が発動した作戦だ。クリントンが3月4日に行われた予備選挙でテキサスとオハイオの重要な2州を制し、土壇場で踏みとどまったのは、この作戦が功を奏したためだと言われている。(鳥居英晴)
この作戦が初めて報じられたのは”Clinton campaign starts 5-point attack on Obama”(クリントン陣営、5項目のオバマ攻撃作戦を開始)と題するニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の記事(2月26日)。
After struggling for months to dent Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy, the campaign of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is now unleashing what one Clinton aide called a “kitchen sink” fusillade against Mr. Obama, pursuing five lines of attack since Saturday in hopes of stopping his political momentum.
“kitchen sink”という言葉は、”everything but the kitchen sink”、”all but the kitchen sink”というイディオムからきている。動かすことが難しい台所の流し以外はすべて、つまり、ありとあらゆる物、何でもかんでもという意味である。攻撃のためには手段を選ばないという作戦。Wikipedia の”kitchen sink”の項には次のような説明がある。
"Everything but the kitchen sink" is an English phrase used to denote wildly exaggerated inclusion. It is used in phrases such as, "He brought everything but the kitchen sink." It may also be rendered as, "Everything and the kitchen sink." In this case, "He brought everything and the kitchen sink." The kitchen sink is occasionally used as a visual gag in some illustrations, television programs, and other forms of visual media, again to denote a level of excess. "Kitchen Sink Politics" refers to a comprehensive and aggressive attack strategy against an opponent.
("Everything but the kitchen sink"は、含まれている物をひどく誇張して示すために使われる英語の慣用句。「彼は台所の流し以外、何でもかんでも持ってきた」などの言い回しで使われる。"Everything and the kitchen sink"と表現されることもある。この場合、「彼は台所の流しまで、何でもかんでも持ってきた」となる。過剰の度合いを表すために、イラストやテレビ番組、その他の視覚メディアで目で見えるギャグとして使われることもある。「台所の流し政治」とは、敵対者に対する広範囲で強引な攻撃を指す)
ほとんどの場合、”kitchen sink”だけで説明をつけていないが、throw-everything-including-the-kitchen-sink campaign(AFP 3月6日)、the strategy -- "the kitchen sink" -- as in throwing everything, including the sink(Scripps Howard News Service 3月6日)、the term "kitchen sink time," meaning anything and everything gets thrown at the candidates(エルサレム・ポスト紙 3月4日)などと説明を加えている場合もある。
英タイムズ紙(3月6日)の“Hillary Clinton's aggressive tactics drew voters back”(ヒラリー・クリントンの攻撃的な戦術、有権者を引き戻す)という記事は次のように述べている。
Hillary Clinton's comeback victories in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island were based on a newly aggressive strategy to attack Barack Obama directly and from all directions, a plan that was mapped out by her husband, Bill, who now exerts enormous influence on the inner workings of her campaign.
The “throwing the kitchen sink” strategy was aimed at knocking Mr Obama off his stride, to sow doubts about his fitness to be commander-in-chief, to question his ethics and to convince enough voters that the messenger of hope and change was too risky a bet to prevail against the Republican attack machine leading up to November. At the same time, Mrs Clinton stopped focusing on the uninspiring message that she was a hard worker. Instead, she told Ohio and Texas repeatedly, she was a fighter.
Last week, with commendable honesty, Hillary Clinton's campaign announced that in a frantic push to save their candidate from defeat at the hands of Barack Obama, they were going to throw everything including the “kitchen sink” at him.
(先週、見上げた正直さで、ヒラリー・クリントン陣営は、バラク・オバマに負けることがないよう必死の動きとして、「台所の流し」を含めたあらゆる物を彼に投げつけると宣言した) In the last days before this week's critical Texas and Ohio primaries, Mrs Clinton hit Mr Obama not only with the sink, but with most of the plumbing, the countertops and a couple of heavy duty appliances for good measure.
オバマの地元紙、シカゴ・トリビューンのMichael Tackettによる“Hillary Clinton's 'kitchen-sink' campaign pays off”(ヒラリー・クリントンの「台所の流し」作戦、功を奏す)という記事(3月5日)によると、クリントンはジョンソン元大統領を見習ったのだという。
Somewhere, LBJ was smiling. Lyndon Johnson was famous for saying, according to his biographer Robert Caro, that if a candidate was willing to do everything, truly everything needed to win, he probably would.
(どこかで、LBJが笑っていた。彼の伝記作家、Robert Caroによると、リンドン・ジョンソンは次のように言っていたことで有名であった。候補者が何でもしようとし、勝つために本当に何でもしようとするなら、彼は恐らくするであろう)
Johnson doubtless did not have a woman candidate in mind, but Hillary Clinton clearly followed the spirit of his guidance. With no margin for mistake, she had to do what she had been unable to do previously: make Barack Obama mortal.
Before the critical primaries in Ohio and Texas on Tuesday, her campaign had vowed to throw the "kitchen sink" at Obama to derail the momentum that had led to wins in 11 straight contests. She honored that vow. It paid off in Ohio, where she won a clear victory but probably not a huge number of additional delegates. It also paid off in Texas, where she won narrowly in the popular vote.
“kitchen sink” strategyとは具体的にはどのようなものであったのか。ウォールストリート・ジャーナル紙のSusan Davisの”Clinton Daisy Ad?”(クリントンのデイジー広告か)という記事(2月29日)によると、
Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign has launched one of the most provocative television ads this presidential election campaign, and already it is drawing comparisons to President Lyndon Johnson’s controversial <A href="http://www.pbs.org/30secondcandidate/timeline/years/1964b.html" target="_blank">“Daisy” ad </A> in the 1964 campaign that suggested his opponent, Barry Goldwater, would lead the U.S. into nuclear war.
(ヒラリー・クリントン上院議員の選挙運動は、この大統領選で最も挑発的なテレビ宣伝のひとつを開始した。 それはすでにリンドン・ジョンソン大統領の1964年の選挙運動で論争を巻き起こした「デイジー広告」と比べられている。それは彼の相手、バリー・ゴールドウォーターが当選すれば、米国は核戦争に巻き込まれると示唆したものであった)
Clinton’s national security ad, <A href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M70emIFxETs" target="_blank"> Children,</A> is running in Texas, and asks voters who they would rather have in the White House when crisis strikes.
“It’s 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep but there’s a phone in the White House and it’s ringing,” the announcer says as images of sleeping children are shown. “Something’s happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call. Whether it’s someone who already knows the world’s leaders, knows the military ― someone tested and ready to lead in a dangerous world. It’s 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep. Who do you want answering the phone?” The ad then cuts to a picture of Clinton working at night.
While the ad makes no mention of rival Sen. Barack Obama, it is meant to underscore Clinton’s case that she is more experienced than the Illinois senator.
(広告はバラク・オバマ上院議員にはまったく触れないが、クリントンのほうがより経験があると強調することを意図している) クリントンのこのテレビCMは、”red phone” adという言い方もされている。“red phone”とは、冷戦時代にホワイトハウスとクレムリンの間を結んでいたホットラインのことを指す。
“In fact, we have had a red phone moment,” he said. “It was the decision to invade Iraq. And Senator Clinton gave the wrong answer, George Bush gave the wrong answer, John McCain gave the wrong answer,” voting to authorize force in Iraq. (Mr. Obama was not in the Senate at the time.)
(「確かに、かつてred phoneの場面があった。それはイラクに侵攻する決定であった。(イラクに派兵することに賛成の投票をした)クリントン上院議員は間違った答えをした。ジョージ・ブッシュは間違った答えをした。ジョン・マケインは間違った答えをした」と彼は語った。オバマ氏は当時、上院議員ではなかった)
The advertisement falls in a long tradition of 11th-hour political sirens warning the nation against electing someone new to the world stage and untested in a national crisis. Its most famous progenitors are the 1964 “Daisy” advertisement against Barry Goldwater in the 1964 race with Lyndon Johnson and Walter Mondale’s similar 1984 <A href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fu-2Ew1ijg" target="_blank">red phone</A> commercial against Gary Hart.
(その広告は世界の舞台には不慣れで、国家の危機には未経験な人物を選ぶことに対して、国民への土壇場での政治的警告という長年の伝統と一致する。最も有名な最初のものは1964年の選挙でリンドン・ジョンソンがバリー・ゴールドウォーターに対する「デイジー」の広告であり、1984年のウォルター・モンデールのゲリー・ハートに対するred phoneのCMであった)
クリントン陣営のCMに対抗してオバマ陣営が流したのが、 <A href="http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/tx_ringing_ad" target="_blank">Ringing</A>だ。
3月4日の予備選挙の結果についてオバマは5日、記者団に対して、“The kitchen sink strategy I'm sure had some impact. Particularly when many of you in the press corps felt that you had been too hard on her and too soft on me.”(「“台所の流し”戦略は確かに、ある程度の影響があった。特に報道陣の多くが、彼女に対して厳しすぎて、私に対して甘すぎると感じた時は」)と語った。
クリントン陣営の”kitchen sink”戦略に対して、オバマ陣営はどう対抗していくのか。ニューヨーク・タイムズのコラムニスト、デイビッド・ブルックスは“Playing by Clinton Rules”(クリントンのやり方に従う)というコラム(3月7日)で次のように述べている。
He’s run against negativity and cheap-shot campaigning. He’s claimed that there’s an “awakening” in this country ― people “hungry for a different kind of politics.” This message has made him the front-runner.
Clinton can’t compete on personality, but a knife fight is her only real hope of victory. She has nothing to lose because she never promised to purify America. Her campaign doesn’t depend on the enthusiasm of upper-middle-class goo-goos.
Besides, the real softness of the campaign is not that Obama is a wimp. It’s that he has never explained how this new politics would actually produce bread-and-butter benefits to people in places like Youngstown and Altoona. If he can’t explain that, he’s going to lose at some point anyway.
一方、同紙のコラムニスト、ボブ・ハーバートは“Confronting the Kitchen Sink”(台所の流しと立ち向かう)というコラム(3月8日)で次のように述べている。
In the run-up to the crucial Texas and Ohio primaries, the plan in the Clinton camp, as The Times reported, was to unleash as many lines of attack as possible ― a “kitchen sink” fusillade ― in the hope that something would work. Senator Obama is still trying to figure out how to respond.
Whatever anger and frustration he may be feeling, he should stick to the high road. He can’t win wrestling in the mud with Hillary Clinton. That will not put Barack Obama in the White House.
Mr. Obama’s strength was his message of hope and healing, the idea that he could bring disparate groups together to work on the nation’s toughest problems. That has gotten him this far, which is much further than almost anyone expected.
He now needs an added dimension. He needs to articulate a vision. He needs to spell out to voters where he wants to take this country over the next few years, how he will alleviate the suffering of millions trapped in vicious economic circumstances and what he will do to restore the honor and prestige of the U.S. around the world.
Political campaigns are not about fairness, but they can often be about vision. Voters want more from Senator Obama.
(追記3月31日) ウィリアム・サファイアーがニューヨーク・タイムズのコラム(3月30日)でkitchen sinkを取り上げている。
それによると、クリントンの“kitchen sink strategy”を最初に報じたのは、CNNのAnderson Cooperで,2月25日の番組でこう述べている。
This weekend we heard anger, then we heard sarcasm from the Clinton camp. They now seem to be trying a kitchen sink strategy. That's a term an unnamed source told "The New York Times" in an article coming out tomorrow, basically throwing whatever they can to convince undecided voters. Is that going to work?
