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【55】「黄金の落下傘」を禁止 高まる「デブ猫」への反感
<A href="http://jijieigo.at.webry.info/200810/article_3.html" target="_blank">ブログ版</A>
日本では”fat cat”(デブ猫)がテレビの動物番組で人気になっているが、金融危機が深刻化している欧米では怨嗟の的になっている。”fat cat”には“golden parachute”(ゴールデンパラシュート)も用意されている。米国で金融救済法が審議されていた最中に配信されたニューヨーク発のAFP通信の記事(9月26日)にはPopular anger puts fat cat CEOs on the run(国民の怒りでデブ猫CEOは逃亡中)という見出しが付いていた。(鳥居英晴)
An angry US public and Congress are pushing to snip the rip cord on golden parachutes used by fat cat CEOs to escape Wall Street's mayhem.
Investopediaはfat catを次のように説明している。
A slang word used to describe executives who earn what many believe to be unreasonably high salaries and bonuses. These top executives also receive generous pensions and retirement packages, consisting of extra compensation not available to other company employees.
This term conjures up the image of cats that consume more than an appropriate amount of food and become grossly overweight.
Fat cat is a political term originally describing a rich political donor, also called an angel or big money man.
(Fat catは、もともとangelとかbig money manと呼ばれた金持ちの政治献金者を呼ぶ政治的な言葉である)
It is also commonly used to describe a rich, greedy person who, due to ownership of large amounts of capital, is able to "live easy" off the work of others.
The word was first used in the 1920s in the United States to describe rich political donors. The term's coinage for political purposes has been attributed to Frank Kent, a writer for the Baltimore Sun whose essay "Fat Cats and Free Rides."
(その言葉は、米国で金持で政治的献金をする人を呼ぶために1920年代に初めて使われた。政治的な目的でその言葉を作ったのはボルチモア・サンの記者、Frank Kent,で、"Fat Cats and Free Rides"という記事であった)
一方、“golden parachute” は「企業の経営者(役員)が、敵対的買収によってその立場を追われたことを想定して、万が一退任(もしくは解任)となった場合に、買収する企業がその人に対して巨額の退職金をはじめとする利益が支払われる、という委任契約をあらかじめ結んでおくこと。敵対的買収を行うには、買収する企業に多額の支払いが必要となる仕組みを作っておくことで、敵対的買収を防ぐ目的がある」(M& A用語集)。
Lucrative benefits given to top executives in the event that a company is taken over by another firm, resulting in the loss of their job. Benefits include items such as stock options, bonuses, severance pay, etc. A golden parachute can be used as a measure to discourage an unwanted takeover attempt.
Wikipediaによると、golden parachuteという言葉が初めて使われたのは1950年代である。
The first known use of the term "golden parachute" dates back to when creditors sought to oust Howard Hughes from control of TWA airlines. The creditors provided Charles C. Tillinghast Jr. an employment contract -- dubbed a golden parachute in likely reference to the protection a parachute offered -- with protection against the almost definite job loss Tillinghast would have faced if famed aviator Howard Hughes had successfully maintained control of TWA.
(golden parachuteという言葉が最初に使われたのは、航空会社TWAの経営を握っていたハワード・ヒューズを債権者が追い出そうとした時であった。債権者はCharles C. Tillinghast Jr.に雇用契約を与えた。それをgolden parachuteと呼んだ。その雇用契約はパラシュートが保護を与えているように、ヒューズがTWAの経営を握り続けることが出来た場合、ほとんど間違いなく職を失うことになるTillinghastに保護を与えていた)Tillinghasthaは1961年から1976年までTWAの会長を務めた。ヒューズは1966年に同社を手放した。
The use of golden parachutes expanded greatly in the early 1980s in response to the large increase in the number of takeovers and mergers.
(golden parachuteの使用は、1980年代初めに買収や合併が増えると急速に増えた)
Democrats in Congress -- set to resume emergency talks Friday with their Republican counterparts on a 700-billion-dollar (478-billion-euro) bailout for the financial industry -- insisted that any agreed package include restrictions on executive pay.
They caught the mood of a nation sickened at watching the titans of finance walk away from Wall Street disasters not only unscathed, but enriched.
For example, the CEO of bankrupt Lehman Brothers, Richard Fuld, received total compensation of 71.9 million dollars in 2007, including stock, bonuses and other pay, according to a survey published by Forbes magazine.
Martin Sullivan, the chief executive of AIG, who left the insurance giant before it was rescued this month by the federal government, received 14 million dollars, a survey in USA Today said. He also quit with a severance package worth 47 million dollars.
(USA Todayの調査によると、連邦政府に今月救済されるまでAIGの社長だったマーティン・サリバンは、1400万ドルを受け取っていた。彼は、4700万ドルの退職金をもらって辞めた)
When the government took over collapsed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, ousted bosses Daniel Mudd and Richard Syron were not allowed 12.59 million dollars worth in severance payments.
(政府が破たんした政府系住宅金融機関ファニーメイとフレディマックを管理下に置いた時、追放された社長のDaniel MuddとRichard Syronは1259万ドルの解職金を受け取ることはできなかった)
Yet they still got out the door with 9.43 million dollars in retirement benefits.
ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のトマス・フリードマンはRescue the Rescue(救済を救え)と題するコラム(9月30日)で次のように述べている。
I totally understand the resentment against Wall Street titans bringing home $60 million bonuses. But when the credit system is imperiled, as it is now, you have to focus on saving the system, even if it means bailing out people who don’t deserve it. Otherwise, you’re saying: I’m going to hold my breath until that Wall Street fat cat turns blue. But he’s not going to turn blue; you are, or we all are. We have to get this right.
(6000万ドルのボーナスをもらっているウォールストリートの大物たちに対する憤りはまったく理解できる。だが、現在のように信用制度が危機にさらされている時には、その制度を救うことに集中しなければならない。たとえそれに値しない人々を救済することになっても。そうでなければ、次のように言っていることになる。「ウォールストリートのfat catが蒼白になるまで、わたしは息を凝らしている」。だが、彼は蒼白にはならない。あなたやわれわれ全員がそうなる。われわれは、これを正しく理解しなければならない)
成立した金融救済法には、golden parachuteを制限する項目が設けられている。下院議長ノナンシー・ペロシは法案成立後、次のような声明を出した。
“We also reformed CEO compensation and an end to golden parachutes. Our message to Wall Streeters: ‘the party is over.’ No longer will you drive your business into the ground, take a golden parachute to safety, and have the taxpayer pick up the tab.
ウォールストリート・ジャーナル紙(9月29日)は、金融救済法のgolden parachuteに関わる部分につてい、次のように説明している。
The legislation places restrictions on executive compensation for certain companies that sell assets to Treasury. If Treasury buys assets from a company directly -- something it would do if a firm were failing -- then no "golden parachute" exit payments could be made during the period when Treasury has an ownership stake in the firm. Companies that sell assets to Treasury through an auction process will be subject to some limits. Firms that sell more than $300 million of assets to Treasury won't be allowed to make any new golden-parachute payments to top executives. A tax-deduction limit on compensation above $500,000 also will apply.
だが、Washington IndependentのMike Lillisによる記事(10月3日)のThe Golden Parachute Survives(ゴールデンパラシュートは生き残った)によると、同法には抜け穴があるという。
For example, under current law, businesses may claim a tax deduction for all salaries under $1 million. The bailout plan would lower that ceiling to $500,000 ― but only in cases when the Treasury Dept. buys up more than $300 million of the company’s toxic assets, not including those purchased directly from the company. In addition, the salary-deduction rule would apply only to five employees per company. That means participating firms would lose, at most, $2.5 million in deductible claims.
The provisions to end golden parachutes are also plagued with gaping loopholes. The bill does nothing to alter terms of existing contracts, for example, instead allowing retirement packages negotiated before the bailout to proceed. For future employees, meanwhile, the bill would prohibit golden parachutes only when the executive is fired, or the company fails, despite the federal help.
Again, only companies dumping more than $300 million in bad assets are even subject to the golden parachute rules ― and it can effect only five employees per company. That means an executive in a corporation receiving more than $300 million from the taxpayer-funded bailout would remain eligible for an unlimited retirement bonanza if that company became profitable and the executive retired voluntarily.
Golden parachuteを禁止する動きは欧州でも出ている。ロサンゼルス・タイムズ紙のEurope leaders targeting CEO bonuses(欧州の指導者、CEOのボーナスに狙い)と題する記事(10月4日)は次のように伝えている。
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has declared war on corporate barons who fire thousands of employees, drive firms into the ground and walk away from the ruins with multimillion-dollar bonuses. He has plenty of company in Europe.
In response to the global economic crisis, Sarkozy has called Western European leaders together for a summit meeting here today aimed at overhauling the financial system. In France, a spokesman says legislation to ban golden parachutes will go to Parliament within weeks, fulfilling a campaign promise Sarkozy made last year.
Sarkozy has a reputation as atypically pro-American among the French because of his emphasis on free markets and hard work.
But in recent years, he and fellow Europeans across the ideological spectrum have expressed hostility to the surging incomes of corporate bosses. The Dutch finance minister has proposed a "fat cat" tax increase of 30% on bonus and severance pay. The prime minister of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Juncker, has condemned excessive pay as a "social scourge."
(だが最近は、彼と欧州の仲間はイデオロギー枠を超えて、会社幹部の収入が急上昇していることに敵意を示した。オランダの蔵相はボーナスと退職金に対し30パーセントのfat cat増税を提案した。ルクセンブルグのジャン・クロード・ユンケル首相は行き過ぎた報酬を「社会的惨劇」と非難した)
