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“resource curse”(資源の呪い)という経済用語がある。“paradox of plenty”(豊富さの逆説)という言い方もする。天然資源に恵まれた国は、乏しい国より経済発展が遅れる傾向にあるということを説明する時に使われる。「われわれは石油の呪いの犠牲者だ。石油国家は非常に豊かだ。だがその反面、この富は“a blessing and a curse”(祝福であり呪い)でもある。経済的病である」。ベネズエラのタルクアル紙のテオドロ・ペトコフ編集長はウゴ・チャベス大統領を批判して、次のように述べる。(鳥居英晴)
"As in any other petrol state, we have wealth concentrated in very few hands. Even after nine years of Chavez. And you have 60 per cent of the population living in poverty. But in these years of Chavez, the problems have deepened. We depend much more than before on oil."
ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(11月30日)のJens Erik Gouldは、汚職で有名なナイジェリアやアゼルバイジャンなどの石油生産国が財政の透明化に応じるようになっているのに対して、チャベスは反対の方向に向かっているようだとする。
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, a program started by the British government with support from the World Bank, says that a lack of clarity in oil-revenue management can be a sign of the “resource curse,” where natural resources fuel corruption and undermine the rule of law instead of contributing to long-term growth. Venezuela is not one of the 15 signers of the initiative, and some economists say it is laboring under the curse.
Some economists, like Mark Weisbrot at the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, say that social spending, which he puts at 21 percent of the gross domestic product last year, is proof that Mr. Cha'vez is combating the resource curse. Mr. Weisbrot points to government statistics showing that poverty has fallen to nearly 30 percent from 44 percent since Mr. Cha'vez was elected nine years ago, and unemployment has dropped to 8 percent from 15 percent.
天然資源の輸出で外貨収入が膨らみ、実質為替レートを引き上げる結果、競争力のない産業(特に製造業)が輸入品に駆逐され、産業が衰退する現象を“Dutch disease”(オランダ病)という。これは1960年代から1980年代にかけてのオランダ経済を指したものだ。”resource curse,” ”paradox of plenty”は途上国の経済発展との関係で使われる。“resource curse”という言葉を初めて使ったのは英ランカスター大学教授のRichard Auty。1993年に天然資源に恵まれた国が、なぜそれを経済成長のために使うことができなかったのか示した。“paradox of plenty”は米スタンフォード大学准教授のTerry Karlが1997年に使った言葉。
ニューヨーク・タイムズ・マガジン(11月4日)のTina Rosenbergは“The Perils of Petrocracy”(石油政体の危機)と題した長文の記事でベネズエラの状況を分析している。
Oil not only creates very few jobs, it also destroys jobs in other sectors. By pushing up a country’s exchange rate, the export of oil distorts the economy. “Oil rents drive out any other productive activity,” Karl says. “Why would you bother to produce your own food if you could buy it? Why would you bother to develop any kind of export industry if oil makes your money worth more and that hurts all your other exports?” The most successful societies develop a middle class through manufacturing; oil makes this extremely difficult.
ここでの”rent”(レント)は、自由競争市場が完全に機能していた場合に得られるであろう通常の利潤を上回るような超過利潤のことを指す。労働付加価値が低い石油資源取引のみに依存して得た外貨収入は、地代、不動産賃貸料、株取引による利益などと同じ不労所得と見なせる。”rentier state”(レンティア国家)という政治学の用語がある。”rentier”は不労所得で暮らしている人の意味。レンティア国家は国家歳入の多くを石油収入などrentで得ている国を指す。レンティア国家論を1970年に提唱したのはHossein Mahdavy。 Hazem BeblawiとGiacomo Lucianiが1987年に出版した “The Rentier State”でこの用語が広まった。「資源の呪い」論の先駆けになっている。
Oil concentrates a country’s wealth in the state, creating a culture where money is made by soliciting politicians and bureaucrats rather than by making things and selling them. Oil states also ask their citizens for little in taxes, and where citizens pay little in taxes, they demand little in accountability. Those in power distribute oil money to stay in power. Thus oil states tend to be highly corrupt.
Venezuela is a typical victim of the oil curse. It has become a rich country of poor people. Teodoro Petkoff has seen Venezuela through booms and busts. Once a daring leftist guerrilla who in 2006 was briefly a candidate against Cha'vez, he publishes a newspaper, Tal Cual, that criticizes both Cha'vez and the opposition. “The state is booty,” Petkoff said when I met him in his small office in Caracas. “The state is hypertrophic here, a monster complex on top of society, heavy and corrupt. It has been the great contractor, the great buyer, the great provider, the great receiver. To win government is to get access to a source of personal enrichment. Money has to pass through the state. Oil has weakened our collective morality. It obliges you to be corrupt. You can’t do business if you are not corrupt. We are waiting for the easy deal, big winnings.”
Cha'vez has promised to break this curse, to finally use Venezuela’s oil to benefit its people. Oil is everything in Venezuela; it pays for at least half the government’s expenditures and 90 percent of its foreign exchange, according Orlando Ochoa, a prominent economist. Now “zero misery” is one of the government’s slogans, and the vehicle to get there is oil. Cha'vez’s oil company, Petro'leos de Venezuela S.A., or Pdvsa, is proudly inefficient, proudly political. Cha'vez has called his revolution “oil socialism.”
(チャベスはベネズエラの石油を国民のために使って、この呪いを打破することを約束した。ベネズエラで石油はすべてである。有名なエコノミストのOrlando Ochoaによれば、政府の支出の少なくとも半分と外貨の9割をまかなっている。「貧困撲滅」が政府のスローガンのひとつだ。そこへ至る手段が石油である。チャベスの石油会社、ベネズエラ石油公社PDVSAは見事に非効率であり、見事に政治的である。チャベスは彼の革命を「石油社会主義」と呼ぶ)
Venezuela’s poor have become much less so under Cha'vez. The population living in extreme poverty, measured by cash income, dropped from 20.3 percent in the last half of 1998 to 11.1 percent in the last half of 2006, according to official statistics. But an oil boom might be expected to alleviate poverty. The real question is whether the gains will be sustainable. Weisbrot says he thinks they will. He points to the missions and figures there are gains in health and education that cash income doesn’t measure. But so far there is no sign of them: the percentage of those living without running water and living in inadequate housing, as well as the number of young children not attending school, has scarcely budged in the last 10 years. The percentage of babies born with low birth weights actually rose from 1999 to 2006. And this is according to government statistics.
Whatever success the missions have at helping the poor may be dwarfed by the grotesque distortions in the economy as a whole. Inflation is officially at 16 percent but is most likely higher, according to Orlando Ochoa, the economist, who is usually critical of Cha'vez.
(社会開発計画が貧しい人々を助けることに成功しても、経済全体におけるグロテスクなゆがみによって台無しにされるかもしれない。インフレ率は公式には16%だが、もっと高そうだと、チャベスに批判的なエコノミスト、Orlando Ochoaは言う)
The major threat to the economy comes from the exchange rate. Oil caused the boli'var to be overvalued. Farms and factories are in trouble. They can’t export and must compete at home with products imported at the official exchange rate, which is now about a third of the market rate. And so the country is awash in artificially cheap imported products, from basic foodstuffs, like Brazilian cooking oil, to fancy cars. “Our productive capacity is too weak to create jobs,” Petkoff says. “But we consume like a rich country.”
The disparity between the official exchange rate (2,150 boli'vars to the dollar) and the black-market rate (6,200 boli'vars at press time) has created a new class known as the Boliburgesi'a. Bankers, traders, anyone who works in finance or commerce, can get very rich manipulating the exchange rates. Buy all the imported whiskey and Hummers you want, is the message. Live a life of wild excess. Just don’t try to produce anything.
Even if the price of oil stays high, it may not be able to sustain Venezuela if oil production continues to drop, subsidized domestic consumption keeps rising and government spending continues unmeasured and unchecked. While other oil producers, like Russia and Nigeria, are piling up surpluses, Venezuela is spending everything it gets. Venezuela once had a $6 billion oil fund to be saved for lean years; Cha'vez has spent all but $700 million of it. The vast majority of Cha'vez’s new missions and worker cooperatives are dependent on state handouts ― unsustainable when government revenue falls. A devaluation of the currency would wipe out the income gains of the poor.
This is classic oil curse, and Venezuela has seen it before. In 1973, and in 1981, Venezuela spent oil money wildly, without controls. Each time a boom ended, it left Venezuela worse off than before it began ― per capita income in 1999 was the same as in 1960. Cha'vez has quite likely intensified these cycles, and the country is less able to produce anything other than oil.
“The problem isn’t who owns the resources, it’s what you get from the proceeds,” says David Mares, a professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego, who studies energy in Latin America. “If you waste it in corruption and unsustainable programs, it’s as bad as if you have international corporations dominating, who pay very few taxes.”
(「問題は誰が資源を所有しているかではなく、収益から何を得るかである」とラテンアメリカのエネルギーを研究しているカリフォルニア大学サンディエゴの政治科学教授のDavid Maresは言う。「汚職と持続不可能な計画で資源を浪費してしまえば、税金をほとんど払わない国際企業が支配しているのと同じく最悪だ」)
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/04/magazine/04oil-t.html?ref=magazine&pagewanted=all ベネズエラ:石油レント経済の功罪
http://www.ide.go.jp/Japanese/Publish/Latin/pdf/210206.pdf ボリバル革命の検証
